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Music Box Attic

  647 inquiries |
Music Boxes

7346 Radford Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91605
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(818) 255-0871

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 5/30/2020

Wrong Engraved Plaque

I purchased my music box for wife as an anniversary gift which included a multi-line engraved plaque inside the box lid. The plaque was to contain a few select parts of my wedding vows in addition to a small message. This particular anniversary was very special to us for multiple reasons so we decided to put a lot of time and effort into our celebration. The box arrived one day before as scheduled and contained an invoice detailing my purchase as well as the engraving details which included line by line what the plaque should say. At first glance, the box was gorgeous but then I opened the lid only to discover that my box had someone else's engraved plaque which their vows. Now, things happen, I do understand that but there is one thing that did make me incredibly frustrated and angry. This being that the invoice that very explicitly laid out what was to be engraved on my plaque was literally packed on top of the music box. Talk about a quality assurance blunder. Two seconds would have been required to open the box and verify that the physical order matched what was actually on the invoice. Careless. I immediately called the company and spoke to Boris who was extremely apologetic and could tell was sincere. He offered to overnight a new plaque for me to attach to the lid and assured me that it will be at my home in time. Of course, this required that I remove the other customers plaque with a blow dryer which was more of a process than I imagined. Under the plaque, there was a company sticker roughly half the size of the plaque. Upon gently removing the plaque, the adhesive started peeling the sticker which meant the sticker had to be removed as well as well as the adhesive residue which required a solvent that would not damage the varnish. The point here being, that I, the customer, was having to do the work that I paid quite a bit of money for. Now, I was out of town on business at the time I received the music box and had planned to carry it home on the trip back, so in order for this to work I informed Boris that the new plaques should be shipped to my home and hopefully I would be able to catch UPS in time when I return and keep my wife from seeing the package. UPS showed up well before I arrived and my wife was at work so no one received it and UPS said it would not be available for pick up until 9pm three days later (Monday) at a local Michaels pick up point. This was inevitable, given the time frame, and although I appreciate the quick shipment and correction by Boris, when it comes to shipping, you just can't make a guarantee like that. I did end up giving the music box to my wife with a small piece of paper taped where the plaque should have been. This, was not at all what I paid for. The important point being, for a company that advertises custom products with attention to detail, they dropped the ball with a grossly obvious error, one of which could have been solved by double-checking the invoice that was 2 inches from the error.

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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complainants allege ordered products are not delivered Company fails to notify customers of delays or to inform them items are on back order defective or damaged products or failure to issue refunds. Complainants also allege difficulty contacting Company to inquire on delivery status returns or refunds~~Generally Company responds to complaints by stating they will contact complainants to issue refunds or arrange for credits or by delivering items. ~

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0 complaints against Music Box Attic closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

Music Box Attic is the undisputed music box expert with more than 150,000 musical themed gifts sold. Enjoy low-price shipping and friendly customer service.

Primary Contact: Boris Muchnik (Owner)
Business Started: 1/1/2002

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Jewelry Box Attic
Temptation Flowers & Gifts
B & M Collections
Quality Music Box



Michael Firth (Assistant Manager)
Boris Muchnik (CEO)

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