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BIN Checker

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against BIN Checker closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company advertises that it provides a bank identification number (BIN) verification database for credit or debit cards. Through the database merchants are supposed to be able to check card transactions to ensure they are legitimate.

Primary Contact: Mihai Ghiata (Owner)
Business Started: N/A

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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.

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Comments and Analysis

This company claims to provide a software database to verify bank identification numbers (BIN) of credit and debit cards. The website provides information on BIN numbers, how verification services can be used to prevent fraud, and other credit/debit card related information. The information is geared towards ecommerce merchants to use to verify online transactions and ensure they are legitimate. Users are asked to enter the first six numbers of a credit or debit card to find out where the card was issued from and the name of the bank.

A few concerning things regarding the website are:  the owner of the website is hiding their identity through a private website domain register. There is no contact information on the website and it is unclear how you utilize the website.  The owner and operator appear to be Mihai Ghiata, which was discovered by the information provided on the iTunes download for the BINchecker app.

Business Consumer Alliance urges individuals to use caution with this company. We received information from a consumer claiming she was contacted by “law firm” demanding payment for a debt that she had already paid years prior. The representative directed the consumer to go to the BIN Checker website to validate the debt.  This is not a method commonly used to verify a debt and strongly advise against providing any information to a source you have not checked out thoroughly. We also advise against entering your credit or debit card information on the company website. The website does not have any terms and conditions to review nor any privacy policy to inform you of the information the company maintains or what they do with the information.

If you receive a phone call from a collection agency or law firm claiming you owe a debt, know that you have rights. Request information about the caller including: their name, contact information, name of individual or business that authorized the collection, etc. If the caller claims to be a law firm request: their firm’s name, address, licensing information such as their BAR number, and name of the attorney. Never provide personal or financial information to anyone unless you have researched them thoroughly.  For more information and tips on dealing with a collection agency, visit BCA Resource Guides.

Other Considerations

We believe this company may be a scam. Please review the Comments and Analysis section below for further details.

For more information and tips on dealing with a collection agency, visit BCA Resource Guides.

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