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Core Advisory Group Svcs, LLC

  724 inquiries |
Loan Modifications Advance Fee |   Business Alert

4950 MacArthur Blvd #500-26
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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(877) 242-5699


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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 1/23/2017

finger pointing and no action

We engaged Core Advisory Group in July, 2015, they were very convincing that they could handle our loan modification and situation with the servicer of our mortgage that we were having dispute with.. They went through everything with us, but only after we paid a fee, which we have now found out is illegal under the MARS consumer protection laws. When we seemed abandoned in our extreme time of need we were forced to hire a law firm to handle the mess that CAG never seemed to assist us with. We were in worse shape after engaging them and them taking our money than when we first "hired" them. I contacted them for a full refund, and when I reached out to them and went back to their website, it appeared as though they disappeared off the face of the earth. I then used prior emails and sent them a demand for a refund and then some because of the heat we were experiencing with our mortgage. Devin Bentner, AKA David Clarke refused even a refund and pointed the finger at a former associate who he claimed owned the company when we hired them.. But if you do your research you will see that Devin AKA David has disappeared and reappeared several times, and each time with a different name. As of this date, 1/19/2017 we have yet to receive a refund as requested. We are seeking out legal representation and will file a civil suit against all parties as this seems the only way to really get their attention. A complaint was also filed with the Consumer Protection Agency as well, and ironically is one of the things they told us would work in using against our mortgage servicer. Another item that was never followed through on. STAY away if you are looking for help. Hire an attorney.. these are rip off, scam artists, living off the people who they take advantage of, while we have to fight for our homes.

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Complaints and Resolutions

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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Of the complaints we have received against this company, in at least some cases, the complaint allegations are very serious. Complainants typically allege failure to fulfill services, misrepresentation of their foreclosure relief services, inability to reach a representative with the company after paying fees upfront, and difficulty obtaining refunds. Other complainants allege deceptive advertising tactics. The company generally responds to complaints by denying allegations and refusing refund requests based on their claim to have provided services as agreed upon. The company commonly refers to their agreement and states they are hired to provide investigations of misconduct and errors made by the consumer's lender or loan servicer and to file complaints on their behalf in an effort to obtain modifications of loan terms. In a couple of cases, refunds have been issued.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Core Advisory Group Svcs, LLC closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

Core Advisory Group offers, for an advanced fee, to negotiate with lenders to settle a loan and obtain a loan modification.

Primary Contact: Devin Benter (Owner)
Business Started: N/A

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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

The FTC MARS Rule makes it illegal for a company offering mortgage assistance relief services to collect any fees at all  until it provides a written offer for a loan modification or other relief from your lender and you accept the offer. They must also provide documentation from your lender showing the changes to your loan if you decide to accept the lenders offer and clearly tell you the total fee they will charge for their services. It is illegal to divide fees or services into components for the purpose of avoiding this law. Under the same rule  attorneys who offer mortgage relief services can require an advanced fee ONLY if they: are licensed to practice law in the state where you live or where your house is located; they're providing you with real legal services and providing mortgage assistance relief services as part of the practice of law; they're complying with state ethics requirements for attorneys; AND  they place the money in a client trust account  withdraw fees only as they complete actual legal services  and notify you of each withdrawal. Under this same rule  attorneys cannot misrepresent any material aspect of their legal services  including the likelihood they'll get a favorable result and attorneys cannot engage in a widespread telemarketing operation staffed by non-attorneys.

If you paid advanced fees for loan modification services and services were not fully rendered, a loan modification was not completed, and a full refund was not provided to you upon your request, you can file a complaint here. You can also file a complaint with the Attorney General's Office in your state and the Federal Trade Commission here.

Other Considerations

Core Advisory Group Svcs, LLC is currently owned and operated by Devin Benter, who was also a business partner of Core Advisory Group LLC and the principal owner of Colleagues in Law, a now defunct advanced-fee mortgage relief company. You can view our report and complaints on Colleagues in Law here

Information obtained by BCA shows Devin Benter is, or has been, the principal, business partner, or involved with several other advanced-fee loan modification/mortgage relief businesses. Some of Devin Benter's affiliations and fictitious business names (FBN) and corporation registrations (Inc/LLC/LC) include Core Advisory Group,LLC; Consumer Dispute Group LC; Litigation Advisory Group; Core Dispute Group; Core Advisory Group Svcs; Core Advisory Svcs; Core Advisors Group; and Deevo LLC.

If you paid advanced fees for loan modification services and services were not fully rendered, a loan modification was not completed, and a full refund was not provided to you upon your request, you can file a complaint here. You can also file a complaint with the Attorney General's Office in your state and the Federal Trade Commission.

On November 8, 2016,, which is registered to Devin Benter, took down their website and posted the following notification:  

ATTENTION: Core Advisory Svcs is no longer accepting new cases. If you are an existing client, our dedicated team remains in place to complete all services as agreed. If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch with your assigned point of contact. -Thank you  

This is a similar notification that Mr. Benter placed on his Colleagues In Law's website when he closed that business.  Check out BCA's: "Kim's Catch: Collegues in Law."

BCA's advice: Be diligent and do your research before paying any money or providing information to anyone boasting that they can save your home. Some basic things to remember when it comes to mortgage relief:   Never pay an up-front fee. Complainants who did business with Core Advisory Group Svcs, LLC allege the company refused to start services without first collecting up-front fees, in some cases as much as $5,000. It’s illegal for companies that provide mortgage relief services to charge you before they’ve given you a written offer from your lender and you’ve accepted the offer.

A forensic loan audit won’t prevent foreclosure. Many companies offer to review your mortgage loan documents to determine whether your lender complied with state and federal mortgage lending laws. The claim that you can use the audit report to avoid foreclosure, accelerate the loan modification process, reduce your loan principal, or even cancel your loan, is simply not true. There is no guarantee that the lender will modify your loan, even if you sue them based on errors in your loan documents.

Thoroughly review your agreement and compare it with what you are told by the relief company. Before signing any agreement, carefully look over the terms and make sure you understand what services are being offered. If the contract is riddled with legal jargon, it may be best to have an attorney review it. Ask for clarification if something isn’t clear or if you have any questions. Obtain all promises and guarantees in writing.

Don’t stop making your mortgage payments. If you discontinue making mortgage payments, you could lose your home. If a company advises you to stop paying your mortgage, it should also warn you that doing so could result in the loss of your home and damage to your credit rating.

Don’t send your mortgage payment to anyone but your lender or loan service provider. Any company that asks you to send your mortgage payment to them while they negotiate on your behalf will almost certainly take your money and disappear. If your lender doesn’t receive your mortgage payments, you could lose your home.

Don’t do business with a company that guarantees to get you a modification. The decision to modify your loan rests with the lender. They may not agree to change your loan and any company offering you mortgage relief services should inform you of this.   For more tips on how to avoid foreclosure, visit our BCA how-to guide on “How to Take Steps to Avoid Foreclosure”

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Deevo LLC
CORE Advisory Group
Core Advisory Group Services
Core Advisors Group
Core Advisory Svcs

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Jennifer Delrio
Trung "Mike" Luong (President/CEO)
Bob Alum (Senior Case Analyst)
Brian Boozer
David Clarke (aka Devin Benter)
