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Absolute Talent Management, Inc.

  233 inquiries |
Talent Consultants - Advance Fee |   Business Alert

9713 Santa Monica Blvd. Second Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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(310) 273-1373

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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

The one complaint on file alleges that they were approached and given compliments on their daughter stating that she would probalby do well with print modeling work and was offered the opportunity to audition. The customer states that they received a call back and was sold some pictures to use to obtain employment and representation but later decided that they did not feel comfortable with the arangement and the lack of licensing and requested a refund but did not obtain one.

This company's principal, Pat O'brien, previously was an officer of another local talent company called O'Brien Rottmann Talent located in Beverly Hills. This company earned an unsatisfactory, or negative rating with the Bureau based on failing to respond to customer complaints, and failing to comply with licensing requirements for their industry. O'Brien Rottman Talent Consultants closed their doors without notifying clients in April of 2000. A seperate report is available upon request.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Absolute Talent Management, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is offering talent management services.

Primary Contact: Pat O'Brien (Owner)
Business Started: 11/15/2000

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California law requires any company that procures or offers to procure employment or auditions, or that provides artist management services, direction or counseling to develop an artist's career, for any of which they collect a fee in advance, to post a $10,000 bond. Companies that charge in advance for such services as registering or listing the artist for employment, providing photographs, videotapes, other promotional materials, costumes, lessons or training, or auditions are also considered advance fee talent services and subject to this bonding requirement.

This company may be required to be licensed and registered. As of our last verification, on May 15, 2006, we found no record that this company has obtained or applied for a Talent Agency license with the California Industrial Relations Board, or obtained an Advance Fee Talent Registration as required by State law..

To obtain bonding information, write to the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, Department of Industrial Relations, Legal Section, at P.O. Box 420603, San Francisco, CA 94142 or call (415) 703-4846. The website address is

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

We believe the company uses the following method to procure clients: A company representative, described as a talent scout, is posted in a public place such as a mall or beach. They hand out business cards and compliments to children and their parents suggesting that their child has a special or unique look, and might do well in the entertainment industry. Initially there is no charge for the parent and child to attend an audition. Most attending are told they are a "call back." After a period of time the clients are re-contacted and advised that an agency is willing to represent their child, however, training and classes will be necessary to ensure representation and success in the industry. Clients are then solicited for training , classes, photos, Zed cards, and other incidentals totaling up to as much as $3000. Most complainants against the principal's previous entity, Obrien Rotman requested refunds based on unfullfilled promises of waiting agents, and employment opportunities.

On March 10, 2005 the company advised the Bureau they do not act as an advance fee talent service, they instead perform the services of an agency. The company claims to make money from commissions on bookings for commercials, TV shows, and modeling jobs. Based upon a customer complaint and our other experience with the principal of this company, we believe they would be required to obtain a talent agency license. As of our last verification, on March 11, 2005 , we found no record that this company has obtained or applied for a Talent Agency license with the California Industrial Relations Board.

We advise careful review of the contract. According to licensed talent agents, portfolios are developed over the course of a persons career and novices do not need expensive portfolios.We routinely suggest you read and understand all contract provisions, including cancellation and refund policies before making a buying decision. California laws relating to "advance fee talent services" allow 10 days to cancel contracts without penalty or obligation. In some cases, refunds must be provided within 48 hours, or the company is required to pay the artist an additional summ equal to the original amount of the fee. Cancellation procedures should be outlined in your contract. Keep in mind there are probably no guarantees of employment. Your success in the industry will depend on your own talent, perseverance, and ability to utilize your resources.

Other Considerations

On December 28,2007, we verified that this company's telephone number of (310) 273-1373 is disconnected. The company's fax number of 310-273-1374 is also disconnected. We attempted to locate a new telephone number from telephone directory assistance but no telephone number was listed for the company. The company may be out of business.

We believe this company works in association with Commercial Scouts, and Artist Promotions & Marketing Inc. (AMPI). All three companies operate from the same address, and same suite number. All have a similar MO. APMI's principal, Eric Rottman, was also an officer for OBrien Rottman Talent. All companies associated with Patrick O'Brien in the past have earned negative ratings for failure to respond to complaints, and deceptive business practices. Seperate reports on these companies are available upon request.

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Celebrity & Talent Marketing, Inc.


