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Autumn Leaf Investment Club LLC

  512 inquiries |
Real Estate Investments |   Business Alert

43280 Business Park Drive, Suite 201
Temecula, CA 92590
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(951) 693-5870

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 10/31/2015

Amazing Group & Mission To Help People Who Otherwise Would Have No Opportunity To Experience Financial Success

A member for more than a decade of the Association, I found the information here unfair and presented dishonestly. The entire group at Autumn Leaf were dedicated beyond anything to do with money. I know of members seeking out their counsel for marriage problems, teenage behavior and managing life. Gathering investors and entrepreneurs together so that we could band together and make better, safe and more profitable investments was a noble pursuit and it is am tremendous loss to have had the organization's doors closed by LaVon Simmons-Robinson after one of the co-founders death, Annie Bell Simmons. LaVon's actions were despicable and her then taking possession of over $500,000.00 of member's money was and is criminal. I've heard that Chad Ward has been embroiled in Civil action and had to fight Criminal accusations because he made efforts to secure those member funds and return them to the members. I don't know what has happexcessivelyaTasha Boyd, Sean Cervantes, Rick Bailey and the others of Autumn Leaf ... but, I do know all of them were tremendous, supportive, vested in my success and cherished the members better than most families seem to today. This isn't much, butmismthe very LEAST I could do for such a generous, loyal, energetic and quality group of people. This website should rethink what it is saying about them: 1. Autumn Leaf closed its doors in 2011;2. The "Registration" thing - I remember this being gone over for one of our (the member's) Life Settlement group investments. And, I still have the documents that state everything about the "security", " qualified investor only", "25102(f) exception and several others; that was excessively gone over at the Association. Yes, it was a security, but it had its filing done and renewed by the members over the time of the investment we had to actively manage.3. Out of all the investments my husband and I made from 1995 - 2011 - ONLY the one with the support and organization of Chad at Autumn actually made a profit and our personal profit was over double our money! And, if any Autumn Leaf members see this, I encourage all of you to at least say, " This was an honorable and generous idea ... trying to make it so the small guy could make it like the big rich and be safe and supported and have am fighting chance.

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We have received no complaints against this company.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Autumn Leaf Investment Club LLC closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

This company's business is a real estate investment club.

Primary Contact: Ricky Bailey (Broker)
Business Started: 4/29/2005

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California Department of Real Estate

Verified License

License Number: 01358694
Status: Revoked

This company's offer may be required to be registered as a security with the California Department of Corporations (DOC) or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). You may verify this requirement with the DOC Securities Regulation Division by mail at 1515 K Street Suite 200 Sacramento CA 95814-4052. The DOC can also be contacted by phone toll-free at 1-866-ASK-CORP (1-866-275-2677). To contact the SEC by calling (323) 965-3998 or visit their website at

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

This company offers a real estate investment club. According to promotional literature the purpose of the club is to compensate for the lack of performance of other organizations in moving beginning and seasoned investors into ownership of real estate investment properties. The company claims to specialize in "no brainer" investment opportunities. According to the company these opportunities are located by traveling the United States and Mexico and negotiating with builders to ensure that opportunities are continuously available. Seminars are held at local hotels three times monthly to recruit new members and investors. The company has recently announced the club now offers a property development division referred to as Autumn Landing Development Group. Investors are offered the opportunity to invest in single family homes up to 3000 square feet projecting the homes value to be in the high $400's. In this investment offer the initial investment is $5000 for each slot a $1000 deposit to fund the LLC and a separate consulting fee of $1000. Potential investors should keep in mind that the development project offered is in the development stage which means that the project is conceptual. The company's San Antonio Texas flyer say that contracts will be provided approximately four weeks after receiving your processing fee and earnest money deposit. We believe it is essential that the contract be provided before any money is sent. Otherwise there is no way to determine all of the pertinent terms and conditions of the agreement. We believe that this offer may be required to be registered with the California Department of Corporations or similar agencies in other states. Also according to the California Department of Real Estate specific disclosures are required for real property transactions. Any person offering to sell or lease lots or units in a common interest development (a community apartment project condominium project planned development or stock cooperative) which requires a public report prior to the offering must make certain information available before execution of the agreement.

Other Considerations

Our files show disconnected phone numbers, returned mail or both. The company appears to be out of business. We cannot trace addresses of companies or principals. General information is available upon request which may assist you.

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Autumn Leaf Real Estate, LLC
Autumn Leaf Real Estate Investment Club
Autumn Landing Development Group

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Chad Ward (COO)