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BK Nelson, Inc.

  403 inquiries |
Literary Agents

1565 Paseo Vida
Palm Springs, CA 92264
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(760) 778-8800

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0 complaints against BK Nelson, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
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Company Info

We have had a strong impact on the careers of writers world wide. Our goal is to manage the careers of published writers and launch the careers of writers yet to be published, with an eye to the future at all times.

Primary Contact: John Benson (Editorial Director)
Business Started: 11/11/1999

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Comments and Analysis

This company advertises via its website claiming to assist authors and speakers in many areas. Some of these services include literary representation self publishing consultation manuscript evaluation editing ghost writing and published writer promotions. Fees vary on a project to project basis. ~~Conventional publishing companies accept manuscripts for review before accepting them for publication. If they conclude that your book has commercial potential they will risk publishing and promoting it at their expense.~~Companies known as "vanity publishers" or "subsidy publishers " on the other hand will publish almost any manuscript without considering the merit of the material provided the author or composer underwrites part or all of the publishing and promotion costs. Because the risk of financial loss to the publisher is minimal through this kind of arrangement vanity publishers can accept many manuscripts that a conventional book publisher would reject as a poor investment. The vanity publisher makes its profit from the author rather than from sales of the work. Thus it has little incentive to energetically promote the work.~~Aside from requiring funding from the writer the biggest difference in vanity and other publishing is probably that the vanity publisher passes itself off as a conventional publisher offering royalties a promotion program sending the works to reviewers etc. and generally implying to the author that he will recover his investment. Vanity publishers generally charge much more than a printer would but rarely does the author realize any profit Of the thousands of new books published by any means each year only a small percentage make any real profit for their publishers or provide an income for their authors.~~If you should decide to work with a vanity publisher keep in mind that their publications may have little or no commercial possibilities especially if their manuscripts have already been rejected by a number of better-known conventional publishing houses. Such authors should realistically expect no more than the self-satisfaction any author would derive from seeing his book in print.~~Read your contract with the publisher carefully for specific details of services to be performed. Contact an attorney if you have questions about any of the provisions. Keep in mind that the typical contract does not spell out what percentage of the monies you pay will be used for promotional purposes nor does it vest any control of such promotion in the author. Generally only a small percentage of what you pay would be allocated to promote your published book. In addition the publisher normally is not obligated to bind more than a nominal number of books in the absence of demand in the form of orders. The publisher can very well make its money from printing the books submitted by authors at the author's expense without the necessity of expert or aggressive promotion on the part of the publishing firm.

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We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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B K Nelson, Inc.
The BK Nelson Literary Agency and Lecture Bureau



Bonita Nelson (Owner/ CEO)
