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Brookstone Law, PC

  448 inquiries |

1503 South Coast Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
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(800) 946-8655

Weekdays 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. by appointment only

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Complaints and Resolutions

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complainants allege misrepresentation concerning their ability to provide services failure to fulfill services and inability to obtain refunds of fees paid in advance. Typically complainants allege paying upfront fees to join a mass joiner lawsuit against lenders through the firm; however additional fees for services are not disclosed. Additionally complainants allege they are unable to reach the company regarding their cases or to obtain refunds.The company responds to complaints by issuing refunds denying allegations of misrepresentation claiming clients are informed of all fees and services prior to agreeing to retain the firm and by claiming fees paid upfront are for preliminary services including an analysis of the consumers loan agreements to see if the consumer qualified for relief services.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Brookstone Law, PC closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

There are times in your life when you are faced with legal issues and don't know where to turn. At those times, Brookstone Law is there for you. We can help you determine whether your issue is a legal matter, and we can help you work through it.

Primary Contact: Vito Torchia, Jr (Co-Founder, Former Managing Attorney)
Business Started: 12/1/2006

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California State Bar

Verified License

License Number: 244687
Status: Disbarred

To practice law in the State of Calfiornia, attorneys are required to be admitted and active with the State Bar of California.. For the most up-to-date information on licensing status, contact the State Bar of California at (415) 538-2000, or visit their website at:

For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.

On May 17, 2015 and May 29, 2016, Vito Torchia Jr. was disbarred from the CA State Bar Association and is prohibited from practicing law in CA by order of the CA Supreme Court. Details of the decision and other disciplinary action is available on the CALBAR website.

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Government Actions

Agency: Federal Trade Commission (FTC)Washington
Description: On May 31, 2016, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed a Complaint for Permanent Injunction and Other Equitable Relief against Brookstone Law PC, Advantis Law PC, Damian Kutzner, Jonathan Tarkowski, Geoffrey Broderick, and Charles Marshall (collectively ;Company) for violating the FTC Act, the Mortgage Assistance Relief Services Rule, and Regulation.
The complaint alleges that the Company marketed mortgage relief services and falsely told consumers they could join mass-joiner lawsuit that would save their home from foreclosure and provide financial awards. According to the complaint the Company targets distressed homeowners and convince them to purchase legal services telling them they are likely to prevail in lawsuits against their lender. In some cases they told the homeowners they would be able to get their mortgage notes voided to give them the home free and clear and/or get them monetary relief and damages. Some were promised at least $75,000 for suing their lender
The FTC charges that the Company collected at least $895 initially for legal analysis and later charged thousands of dollars in recurring fees for mass joiner cases to be filed against lenders. It was discovered that although the Company has sued several well known banks, they have not won any cases and most were dismissed because the Company never pursued them.

Additionally, the case alleges the Company falsely promised some clients that they would be added as plaintiffs in lawsuits, and others they delayed adding them. Clients seeking information on their cases were ignored, some were not informed that their lawsuits had been dismissed and the Company kept fees from those clients. Refund requests were refused.

The FTC is seeking preliminary injunctive and ancillary relief, freezing of the Company’s assets, and appointment of a receiver for the Company. In addition, the agency is looking to be granted consumer redress in the form of rescission or reformation of contracts, restitution the refund of monies paid, and disgorgement of ill-gotten monies, and the cost of bringing the action.

The complete href="" target="_blank">complaint
and case updates can be found on the FTC website.

Date of Action: 5/31/2016

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We have no further comment about this company's business practices or analysis of its offer that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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Vito Torchia, Jr
Victor Torchia
Brookstone Law PC
Brookstone Law, P.C.



Customer Service
Damian Kutzner (Co-Founder, CEO)
Deron M. Colby (Senior Litigation Attorney)
John Mortimer (Agent )
Jonathan Tarkowski (Managing Attorney)

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