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Brothers Performance, Inc.

  156 inquiries |
Automobile Parts and Supplies Retail

27427 Bostik Court
Temecula, CA 92590
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(800) 486-2681


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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 3/18/2016

Very poor customer service

I purchased a BBK cold air intake from Brothers using the search option at both Brothers, and BBK. I spent several days try to get better instructions which I was never given. I then removed my stock system from my 2000 corvette and installed the BBK system with the one sheet inadequate instructions that came with the system. When I was just about finished I discovered the system did not fit the 2000 C5 so I had to remove it and reinstall the factory system. I contacted BBK and they gave me a hassle right away. The only thing they offered was to refund my money. I did not think that was fair so I asked to speak to customer service. They connected me with Tim who I believed to be a BBK customer service rep. After talking with him I was told to send the incorrect system back to BBK and a new system would be sent as soon as the incorrect system arrived. A return label was issued and I packed the incorrect system and drove to UPS to return it. The problems just got worse from there. I tracked the package and it arrived at BBK but a new system was not sent. I called to talk with the Tim and everything changed. He stated his Email had changed and he couldn't find information about my situation. I then sent him an email about how unhappy I was and attached some of our previous messages. He never responded so I called him again and now Tim totally changed his earlier statement about sending a new system when the old one arrived. He said I have to deal with Brothers Performance who I purchased the system from and that some would contact me. That didn't happen so I contacted Tim again. Once I was contacted I recognized the individual as the first person I spoke to from BBK. I did not say that I recognise him but he assured me his number one goal was to get me a system for my car. He was supposed to look up a couple and call me back the next day but did not. I contacted Tim once again and then got a call from this other individual who claimed to represent Brothers but I knew it was the same individual as the BBK contact. He went on to tell me that the system would only fit the 2001 and up C5. No crap I already know that! I found a system from K&N that was just over $100.00 more than what I paid for the incorrect system. He said he would contact me after he spoke with K&N. When he called me back he informed me he could get the system but I would have to pay the difference. I had put hours of labor into installing the incorrect system, been given the run around for a week, been told inconsistent stories and wasted hours of time because of their error. Wow you want me to pay the extra money! What ever happened to doing right by the customer. I told him I should not have to pay the extra and he basically said they were not going to do anything but refund my money. I now called Tim back at BBK and he said it was out of their hands I needed to deal with Brothers. So I called Brothers directly and guess who answered, Tim GM @ Brothers. WOW

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0 complaints against Brothers Performance, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is providing the sale of auto & truck parts.

Primary Contact: Tim Gilpin (General Manager)
Business Started: 1/1/1986

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Brothers Performance Warehouse, Inc.
Brother's Performance

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Brian Muphy (President)

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