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 Member | 853 inquiries |
Computer Repair and Disaster Recovery

12 Mauchly Drive Suite C
Irvine, CA 92618
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(800) 233-3648

Monday - Fridat 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM 24/7 Emergency Services Available

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Proud member since 05/02/2018
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Posted on 3/19/2024

Computer Hacked & Wiped Out. Lou Retrieved everything!

Hello, A man called me unsolicited, and he said he was my antivirus company. He said they were no longer doing buiness in North America. He added that, per the agreement, they had to reimburse my costs. I said, you're not my antivirus company. He got agitated, "Sir, I'm trying to help you!" etc. I repeatedly said my company is Bit Defender, and I'll call them tomorrow. When tomorrow came, I was sitting in front of my computer and I received a similar call from Bit Defender. I was caught off guard. I watched him take over my computer and moving through all my information. I did no banking with the computer, and I gave him no information. I kept shutting the computer off and on, and there he was moving on my screen. there are a lot more details, but he finally said, "because you've been so uncooperative, I deleted everything from your computer!, and he hung up" I looked at my screen, and I saw nothing but black where i previously had about 50 icons all through my recent nursing college! I had thousands of photos wiped out, gone. Every document, gone. I called Lou at Crash Drive. He was very empathetic. He said take the computer to Best Buy, and have them remove the hard drive then mail it to me. I live near Raleigh, North Carolina. I live in the middle of nowhere. Lou recovered all my information; all of it. He mailed me back the hard drive as well as an external thing with everything on it and my internal hard drive. I know nothing about computers, but Lou saved me. I read some reviews, and I will tell you, that Lou is the real deal! You can trust me. I believe in so much, that you can write me a letter about my hacking, and Lou's rescue. You can trust him, spread the word.

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Company Info

DriveCrash™ provides services to recover your data within 24 hours under typical circumstances for most common failures. Call now for free estimate. 800-233-3648.

Primary Contact: Lou Zeleznik (Owner)
Business Started: 9/7/1982

Who We Are
DriveCrash™ specializes in recovering data from all types of data storage device/media. We have access to leading-edge data recovery technology, which allows us to recover data in the fastest and most efficient way.

If you have just suffered a loss of access to your hard drive, then the first thing to remember is not to panic!

In most cases (in fact over 97% of them), using correct procedures, data can be recovered from inaccessible or defective storage device. A desperate action to remedy a data loss issue can often compound the problem, with a serious possiblity of causing irreversible data loss.

At, we understand that an unexpected loss of data can cause not just a break in business continuity, but also a degree of stress. From our experiences of dealing with past clients, we find that loss of data strangely always seems to occur at the worst possible moment.

If you are currently suffering a fault, rest assured that we will do our best to ensure that your missing data is retrieved in no more time than is necessary. Whether it be a missing client database critical to the running of your business or vital financial records for the tax man, let us give you the professional support and reassurance that you deserve.

All recovery jobs are treated on an urgent basis and recovery in most cases takes less than 24 hours to complete. Of course, recoveries requiring that special components be ordered may take a little longer.

Contact DriveCrash™ to learn more about our
Data Recovery Services at (800) 233-3648

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Drive Crash
Ai Networks



Stephanie Zeleznik