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575 South East End Avenue
Pomona, CA 91766
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Monday to Friday: 8am -5pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 9/20/2013

House of Engines are a scam, they lie and they do not honor their warranty!

Got a quote to have my engine rebuilt for $1395.00 (on my Ford Escape). They picked up my car & towed it to their shop (paid $500.00 deposit). Of course, after taking apart engine, they called and said it will cost an additional $1100.00. I agreed to the price because it included a 3- year (36,000-mile) warranty. I picked up my car on 6/1/2013, but when I went to pay them they informed me they ONLY ACCEPT CASH, so I had to get a cashiers check from my bank for $1956.30). I had my oil changed at a Ford dealership on 7/1/2013 per the terms of House of Engines warranty (after putting 921 miles on the rebuilt engine). My engine began knocking on 7/2/2013. I had to have my car towed back to House of Engines on 7/5/2013 (at my expense) and they said they would look at it (no charge). They said they believe that the Ford dealership must have done something to my engine & I will not have to pay. After having my car there for 15 days, I called to check the status, they said the engine must have been run with no oil, but they know it is not my fault, and I will not have to pay anything, they said they will call me when the car is ready. No word from them until 7/26/2013 (they have had my car for 3 weeks at this point). They call and say that they can't prove it was the dealership's fault so it is now MY fault and I will have to pay an additional $357.00. When we said no, we have a warranty, he threatened to raise the price to $1400.00+! After arguing back & forth my husband told him to please just fix the car & we will deal with the price later. After learning that they are not going to honor their warranty, I filed a complaint on 7/29/2013. The owner called my husband on 7/30/2013 to yell, curse & threaten to charge even more money because I filed the complaint. They still had my car and now we are worried that they may have done something to it out of anger due to the threatening/harassing behavior of the owner & his son! My car was finally ready to be picked up on 7/31/2013 - my husband went to get it and when they tried to charge the extra $357.00, my husband pulled out the warranty and asked them to explain why they will not honor it. They are claiming "negligence" & that we ran the car without oil. We asked to see a written report of the inspection and they refused. We asked to see the broken parts of the engine and they refused. We ended up having to call Pomona police department to escort us to pick up the car on 8/1/2013, since the owner & his son were extremely hostile about the claim I had filed! I had to pay $320.00 to get my car. They had to jump-start my battery and they gave us the car with an empty gas tank (not how we had it brought to them)! My husband drove my car to the nearest gas station & said the car is still running badly! We are going to have to take our car to a reputable company and have it inspected! We are now out a total of $2846.30 and our engine is still in bad shape! The owner told us not to come back because he has voided our warranty (which doesn't matter anyway since they DO NOT HONOR their warranty)!!!

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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

We have received no complaints against this company.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against House of Engines closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

Engine Rebuild and Installed. With 3 YEARS 36000 Mile WARRANTY PARTS and LABOR! FREE TOWING from selected areas.

Primary Contact: Saba Haweileh (Owner)
Business Started: 9/6/2001

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California Bureau of Automotive Repair

Verified License

License Number: 214954
Status: Delinquent

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BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

Be aware that California law requires an automotive shop to obtain authorization for work needed over and above the original estimate. If you are having difficulty with an auto repair shop consult with the Bureau of Automotive Repair their licensing agency at 800-952-5210 or at

Other Considerations

Our files show disconnected phone numbers, returned mail or both. The company appears to be out of business. We cannot trace addresses of companies or principals. General information is available upon request which may assist you.

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