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Showing 3 recent reviews for Indeed Inc.

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Posted on 6/29/2022

Indeed to do their do diligence when sending job prospects

I have verified with several businesses that Indeed is saying that they are hiring. When I contacted said businesses they were either non operational or are not looking to hire anyone. Indeed to do their do diligence when sending job prospects to people or get out of business entirely.

Posted on 4/15/2022

Indeed post real job openings remove the fake testing acting like employer and human resources. Confirm posting with the employer prior to posting.

Indeed is posting jibs from companies that are not available on company websites. Indeed even go as far as sending Assessment emails stating if you take this test tou have 80 chance of getting a call back from empmoyer. False advertising most companies administer their own testing if applicable
Compliant is jIm a job seeker sending my resume to jobs on indeed and the company isn't sending an email stating the position is filled but Indeed is sending email stating company has move on with another candidate
Why is indeed acting as Human Resources?
Indeed like careerbuilder are job posting company positions asking for you to to take tests when I seen 1 company actually have a true ad say NO TESTING NEEDED to apply.