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J.W. James and Associates

  204 inquiries |
Real Estate Investments |   Business Alert

2101 West Rosecrans Avenue Suite 5284
El Segundo, CA 90245
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(310) 356-2280


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We have received no complaints against this company.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against J.W. James and Associates closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is a private real estate investment firm.

Primary Contact: Jon W James (CEO)
Business Started: 10/1/2003

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California law requires any company, or individual, selling securities as an investment, to register with the Securities Regulation Division of the Department of Corporations.(DOC). This registration requirement includes; financial planners, broker-dealers, broker-dealer agents, investment advisers, and investment adviser representatives. Before investing money, or making other important financial decisions, verify the company you are considering has complied with State registration requirements.. The DOC maintains a database to verify registrations online at Inquiries can be sent by mail to, California DOC, Securities Regulation Division, 1515 K Street, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95814-4052. The DOC can also be contacted by phone, toll-free at 1-866-ASK-CORP (1-866-275-2677)..

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

Careful evaluation of all investment offers should be done prior to signing agreements. Rather than make an immediate decision, insist that the caller confirm details of the offer and all verbal promises in writing. Verify that the offer is registered, or exempt from such requirement, with your state securities commissioner. Limited Patnerships are required to register unless an exemption is filed with the state. General Partnerships, however, are not required to register. Those who invest in General Partnerships may also be accountable for the financial liabilities of the entire partnership. Offers claiming to be exempt from registration must meet specific requirements. Specifically, they must be limited to no more than 35 investors who are: immediate relatives or friends; current investors in other offers made by the company; persons referred by current investors; and to those with the expertise to make a valid decision. Generally, if an offer is sold via telephone, it is an indication it would not be qualified for exemption under current law.

Other Considerations

A promissory note is a form of debt – similar to a loan or an IOU – that a company may issue to raise money. Typically, an investor agrees to loan money to the company for a set period of time. In exchange, the company promises to pay the investor a fixed return on his or her investment, typically principal plus annual interest.

Fraudsters across the nation have recently begun to use promissory notes as vehicles to defraud investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars. Most promissory note scams follow predictable, fraudulent fact patterns:

Investors purchase the promissory notes, enticed by the promise of a high, fixed-rate return – up to fifteen or twenty percent – with a very low level of risk. The promissory notes may appear all the more attractive because the seller falsely claims that they're "guaranteed" or insured. And few investors ask tough questions about these investments because they know and trust the sellers, insurance agents with whom they've done business in the past.

The fraudsters use a portion of the money they collect from investors to pay the sellers their commissions. But they typically abscond with the rest, squandering it on personal expenses or high-flying life styles. They may also use some of the proceeds to support an elaborate "Ponzi" scheme in which money coming in from the sale of new notes pays the interest on older notes. Some fraudsters try to avoid repaying investors' principal by convincing investors to "roll-over" their promissory notes upon maturity. These investors may, for at least a time, continue to receive interest payments – but they rarely get their principal back. Promissory note scams often target the elderly, bilking them of their retirement savings at a time when they can least afford to lose it. But no one is immune. Fraudsters rarely discriminate when it comes to separating investors from their money. And most investors don't even realize their investment dollars are at risk until it's far too late.

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J W James & Associates
J W James Borrowing Entity, LLC
J W James Investment Group Fund One, LLC
The James Company Fund 1, LLC



Toni Davis (General Manager)
