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M J Marketing

  269 inquiries |
Coupon Promotion Services |   Business Alert

14225 Ventura Blvd #200
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
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(818) 995-3335

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against M J Marketing closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is providing marketing and promotional services for spas and salons.

Primary Contact: Ilya Shipner (Agent for Service)
Business Started: 8/10/2004

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Comments and Analysis

Coupon books are typically designed developed and sold by commercial marketing companies. The company goes into a community and encourages the participation of merchants promising them new customers and increased business from buyers who will use their coupon.~~To sell their product to the public promoters claim that the books have a retail value equal to the maximum possible value of all the coupons combined. Yet a closer look will probably reveal that saving thousands of dollars through use of the coupons is impractical if not impossible. How many oil changes or haircuts for example can you use within a limited period of time? Remember too that you will not be able to use a coupon if the business goes out of business after the book is issued. In cases where a business remains open but changes hands the new owner also may not be willing to honor your coupon.~~The coupons range greatly in value. Some may require that you purchase something in order to receive the discount. For example you may get a free car wash with the purchase of a tank of gas or a free dessert with the purchase of a meal.~~Coupon books can represent a real value and at the same time introduce you to new stores or restaurants. They can also bring merchants new business that can become repeat business. But as a purchaser or a business offering a coupon you should be wary of exaggerated or misleading claims. If you're considering purchasing a coupon book ask about the actual cost of the book including shipping and handling charges. Check to see if participating merchants are in your area? Find out if your savings will be greater than the hidden costs such as the value of your time and transportation and the restrictions of certain coupons. For example one dinner paid for to get a second one free at a high-priced restaurant in the next county can set you back more than two dinners at full price at a lower-priced restaurant closer to home. Check the coupons for expiration dates. Will you be able to redeem coupons before the expiration date?

Other Considerations

Coupon books costing $25 or more and sold door-to-door or at any location other than the seller's normal place of business are considered to be home solicitation contracts and subject to a three-day cooling-off period. This means that if you change your mind about purchasing the book you have three days to cancel your transaction to obtain a refund. The coupon book should tell you this and include a form to use for cancellation. You will of course have to return the book in the same condition as you received it.

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