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Marcos Quintanilla

  65 inquiries |
General Building Contractors

6921 Texhoma Avenue
Lake Balboa, CA 91406
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(818) 231-3868

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 10/21/2021

Don't hire read my review

I decided to remodel my house and hire someone to do it. I went on Home advisor and complete my information in order to get an estimate from a general contractor. It was 9:30pm and he called me to offer his services. We met and went through my ideas and what needs to be done. At first he seems like a really nice guy told me about his past, family and which projects he did. I hired him what a horrible decision one that I live to regret every day. He didn't have any sub contractors and the people that he did bring to work at my house didn't have any knowledge in construction neither did he. He was sloppy, stated with my boys bathroom and ended up renovation a small bathroom for five months with that said every thing that he touched was a disaster I had to hire another contractor to fix everything that he did. He was rude, didnt have workers comp. which he stated that he had, he took my personal stuff from the garage, he took off from the job site to do other jobs at the same time justifying the absence in lacking material for work and taking 3-5 hours to get material, not coming for days to work, later I found out that he went to do other jobs during the time he should have been working on my projects. He asked for $25,000 in order to order the kitchen cabinets which he never did, he took $40,000 of my money and didnt even do 1/4 of the job, when I saw where things are going I asked for my money back for the kitchen cabinets that I asked so many times to get a 3d drawing and to see the order he dismissed me and never providing me with my requests. As the months progressed I saw that nothing is being done I asked him to return the $25,000 for the kitchen that Was never ordered, he stated that he doesn't have that money and justified it by saying "I came to work everyday on this house this was my salary" no no no Marcus you are not working on the clock you are paid by the projects and the progress that you are doing which was 0. I needed up calling the police and having leave the property he refused to return my remote control for the garage which gave him access to my house. So in the end he took $40,000 of my money didn't do anything in return for that amount left the job after he orchestred a false heart attack in order to get out of the job and contract that he signed. I have filled a complaint with home advisor, contractor state license, with the bond company and small claims which I won my case - did he pay the money resulting from the judgment of course no - I had to hire a lawyer to try and get the money from the bond company that refused to give me the bond money claiming that he didnt have workers compensation when he stated the job. This guy is a con artist, he lies, cheat, steels, he is not a contractor, he surely doesn't know what he is doing, he moves from one address to another, he filled so many bankruptcy this shows what kind of person he is. Please take my advice and stay away from him he is trouble and will steel your money. He took measurements for my staircase I ordered the staircase and it was totally wrong the materials is sitting in my garage $5000 worth and I can't sell it or use it. Please read my review and stay away from him he is trouble and his contractor license should be removed and revoked.

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0 complaints against Marcos Quintanilla closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
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0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

Marcos Quintanilla provides professional, licensed, residential and commercial, indoor and outdoor, general building contractor services in Lake Balboa, California. Please contact the business for a full list of services.

Primary Contact: Marcos Quintanilla (Owner)
Business Started: 4/29/2019

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California State Contractors License Board

Verified License

License Number: 1052954
Status: Active

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