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Neo-Realty Investments

  252 inquiries |
Real Estate Investments |   Business Alert

P.O. Box 933
South Gate, CA 90280-0933
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(800) 647-0934

8 AM - 6 PM Monday thru Friday and 10 AM - 7 PM Saturday (PST).

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

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0 complaints against Neo-Realty Investments closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
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0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

Specialists in Early Termination on FHA and Inherited Mortgages. Tired of Non-Payment? Top Dollar paid for Non-Paying Mortgages and Trust Deeds. Think you have no money? Call today to find out if you have a refund on your FHA Loan.

Primary Contact: Darrin M Pegram (President)
Business Started: 7/25/2008

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As of our last verification on July 21, 2010, we could find no record of this company being licensed with the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) as a Corporation, salesperson or broker. For the most up-to-date information regarding license status, consumers may contact the DRE by calling (916) 227-0886 or by visiting their website at

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Comments and Analysis

Be wary of individuals and companies offering to "help" you out of your difficult financial situation. BBB’s nationwide have been inundated with complaints about foreclosure "rescue" scams. These scams specifically target homeowners who are in financial distress. Scam operators advertise over the Internet and in local publications, plaster posters on telephone poles and at bus stops, stick flyers in people's front doors or contact people whose homes are listed in public foreclosure notices. Sometimes they direct their appeals to specific religious or ethnic groups.

During the time period between the commencement of foreclosure proceedings and the scheduled foreclosure sale date, homeowners become vulnerable to the importunities of equity purchasers who induce them to sell their homes for a small fraction of their fair market values through the use of schemes which often involve oral and written misrepresentations, deceit, intimidation, and other unreasonable commercial practices.
If a foreclosure "rescuer" instructs you not to contact your mortgage company or your attorney, beware. Your mortgage company is the very business that you should be in touch with! Furthermore, why would you agree to cease contact with your attorney when dealing with complicated financial matters that involve perhaps your biggest investment, your home? You should never sign a contract under pressure and never sign away ownership of your property. Ask a trusted family member, your attorney or a financial professional to review any paperwork you may be asked to sign.

Other Considerations

According to our records, this company was a North Dakota Corporation with the original Corporation filing date of 7/25.2008. The Corporation was Voluntarily cancelled as of 7/9/2009.

We routinely advise potential investors to read and understand all provisions of contractual agreements, and not to rely on verbal promises by commissioned salespersons. The market value of an investment property should be critical to your decision to lend your funds or purchase a promissory note because there is a possibility that the only way to recover your investment is through the sale of the Property. Therefore, the market value of the property should be correctly estimated and the total loan-to-value ratio properly analyzed. This information should be made available to you before you commit your money to the transaction.

The sale price, the cost to build, or the value in use to a specific owner does not necessarily represent the market value of the Property. A market value opinion requires consideration of comparable sales and other market data by a competent professional. The market value conclusion may be presented in the form of an appraisal report. While the borrower customarily pays for the cost of the appraisal report, either you or the MLB usually retain the appraiser’s services to prepare the report, which should be reviewed by you in advance of funding the loan or purchasing the promissory note. You should make every effort to inspect the property which will be the security for your investment.

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