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Professional F & I Managers Association of America, Inc.

  139 inquiries |
Employment Training Service |   Business Alert

3000 West MacArthur Blvd. Suite 300
Santa Ana, CA 92704
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(800) 255-9110


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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

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Complaints and Resolutions

Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complainants allege misrepresentation regarding projected earnings claims and job placement services offered. Students complain that they are unable to obtain employment making wages comparable to projected earnings claims made by the company, or that the company fails to provide job assistance services as agreed. Some students requested refunds.

The company responds to complaints by disputing the complainant’s allegations, reminding students that job placement is not guaranteed, and offering to continue the placement assistance services per terms of the contract. Refunds of tuition were generally denied.

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Our complaint services are free and our team of expert mediators will assist in resolving complaints with businesses.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Professional F & I Managers Association of America, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

This company's business is an automotive management training school.

Primary Contact: Chris Morishita (CFO)
Business Started: 10/16/1992

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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

This company offers career training in the automotive management and financing industry. If searching for career training, we suggest you obtain catalogs or bulletins from several schools, both public and private, that offer the training you are seeking. Find out if the school is accredited by an organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or if it is licensed by your state Department of Education. Compare the courses, rates of completion, and job placement percentages with those being offered in your community by public schools, community colleges, nonprofit and for-profit schools. Talk to employers in your field of interest. Tell them your objectives and ask them if training in a career school would qualify you for a job. Visit the school and inspect its facilities. Check to see if the facilities and equipment the same as described in the school's printed materials. Determine the costs for tuition, books, materials, lab equipment, financial assistance, residence and meals before signing a contract. Ask for details on the cancellation and refund policy.

Be wary if a school guarantees you job placement or makes promises about how much money you will make. An accredited school recognized by the U.S. Department of Education cannot legally make such guarantees. They can, however, provide you with written statistics on past graduates, their jobs and their employers.

Other Considerations

If you're looking for a job, you may come across ads for firms that promise results. Although many of these firms may be legitimate and helpful, others may misrepresent their services, promote out-dated or fictitious job offerings, or charge high up-front fees for services that may not lead to a job. Some companies falsely advertise employment openings and guarantee job placement. Consumers who respond to these ads think they're contacting a bona fide placement service that's seeking candidates to fill specific jobs. Instead, they're reaching a business that rarely helps consumers get employment through its "services." To make matters worse, these businesses invariably charge advance fees ranging from several hundred to several thousand dollars for their "services," typically imposing the fees without consumer approval, or promising falsely, that most or all of the fees ultimately will be refunded.

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College Of Automotive Management
Lloyd Anderson Group

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Eric Andersen (President)