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S & L Property Management

  432 inquiries |
Property Management

43525 Ridge Park Dr. Suite #200
Temecula, CA 92590
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(951) 698-4030


Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Closed daily 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm.

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 2/5/2021

They put Landlords at Risk

I used their services between 2010-2011. So you may ask why do a review now? Well because 11 years later I am being named on a workers comp issue. My tenants were great, I never had any issues with them as far as payments, and when they did request maintenance it was usually a wear and tear issue. S&L would contact me when maintenance was needed and I had the option of sending my own Vendor or have S&L send their own. I believe my tenants needed the sink unclogged once and maybe another time it was sprinklers or something. I sent my own vendor every time, I had my own trustworthy contractor so I never had them send anyone for maintenance. So this is where it gets interesting... my tenants buy a house and they don't re-new their contract, so we go through the process of terminating their agreement. I at this point am told that they (S&L) handle all the paperwork, and deposit account tenant had with them, I never took possession of their deposit, I mean why would I if I had a management company. I was told that I would be called in when the house was vacated so I could do a walk through and do an inspection of the house. I get called days later, do the walk through and I approve, there is nothing broken, there are no holes, the house looked like it did when I first gave them keys. I'm telling you I had good tenants. But obviously the house is dusty, toilets and shower are dirty. I am told that part of the contract between tenant and them is house has to be "professionally" cleaned. I am still not given back my keys as tenant technically still has possession. About a week later I am called into their office to get my key back as I decided I didn't want to rent my house anymore, I decided to move back in. So I go to S&L, pick up my keys and head home. Right as I walked in and start walking around I notice the house looked pretty much the same as when I had done the inspection a week before, as far as how dusty it was. I called Diana and asked her "hey are you sure the house was cleaned?" she said yes we sent one of the cleaning companies we use, every house is professionally cleaned after tenant moves out. I move in and ten years later I receive a letter from Workers Comp about a case that happened in my property in 2011! The month my tenants were moving out. The cleaning company S&L hired... you know the "insured" companies the owner says on here are all insured?? Well JUST MAIDS owned by Chelo Jordan (who is now operating under a different business name) was uninsured! No workers comp, nothing!! Apparently one of her workers fell while cleaning the house and the company had no insurance. Now mind you, my contract states all vendors employed by S&L MUST be insured before they are hired to enter my property right?? SO how did this vendor get in my house? AND at the same time, me as the landlord have no idea they even sent anyone out because I am not informed nor is my consent requested, since this agreement was between the tenant and the company. After reading so many reviews and seeing myself now that I have called them and asked about what this is about, Diana continues to just play it off. Like it's no big deal! Assuring me that the company they sent HAD to be insured, well not really lady when the State's Worker's Comp Unit is trying to find ME liable. My advice to anyone looking for management services...look elsewhere, make sure you are dealing with a legit business. Make sure they use quality vendors and not some crappy vendors with no insurance of any type. I may have to hire an attorney now and see where I stand, because MY management company failed to do what the CONTRACT stated and send only approved vendors, yet this last vendor I had no say in!! I cant wait to see what the owner has to say to my review... Oh an I guarantee those 5 star reviews are from themselves. I would give them 0 stars if I could. Technically you breached your contract S&L by allowing an uninsured vendor in my house without my consent!

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0 complaints against S & L Property Management closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
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0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
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Company Info

S & L Property Management is a management and leasing company providing services to homeowners, renters, HOA and communities which include: 24-hour Emergency Maintenance, Thorough & detailed applicant screenings, Listing Services and more.

Primary Contact: John Sorah (Owner)
Business Started: 2/9/1988

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California Department of Real Estate

Verified License

License Number: 01099509
Status: Licensed

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S & L Enterprises, Inc.
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John Sorah (Owner)
Randy Clayton (Designated Officer)
Diana Martinez (Property Manager)
Greg Sorah (Owner)

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