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Standard Industries, LLC

  105 inquiries |
Office Supplies - Sale by Deceptive Telemarketing

430 NE 5th Ave
Delray Beach, FL 33483
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(855) 471-5714


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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Standard Industries, LLC closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

Since our start, we have grown at an unprecedented rate, now assisting all types of businesses all over the country with their lighting needs. Our products are currently used in restaurants, churches, small town shops, corporate offices, college camp

Primary Contact: Eric Epstein (Principal)
Business Started: N/A

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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.

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Government Actions

Agency: Federal Trade Commission (FTC)Washington

On July 11, 2017 the Federal Trade Commission issued a press release stating a court order was obtained against Standard Industries, their principals and the related businesses banning them from telemarketing office and cleaning supplies.

They were charged with engaging in tricking small businesses, non-profits, and consumers into paying for overpriced supplies that they never ordered. Telemarketers did not disclose that they were making a sales call, falsely claimed to have done business with the consumers before, and falsely claimed they wanted to send consumers a free sample or catalog. Then they sent supplies without having disclosed any price, and later, sent an invoice for an amount far above the market price for such items. Businesses that paid, unaware that the merchandise was not ordered, became targets for future shipments of unordered merchandise and invoices seeking payment.

Under the stipulated final orders, they are banned from telemarketing nondurable office or cleaning supplies. In selling any other good or service, by any means, they are prohibited from misrepresenting that they have done business with consumers that they would only send a free sample or catalog, or that consumers ordered the goods sent. The order also prohibits the principal’s from misrepresenting any material terms, conditions, or characteristics regarding the goods and services in the sale of any other good or service.

The order further prohibits them from violating the Telemarketing Sales Rule and the Unordered Merchandise Statute, and from profiting from consumers’ personal information and failing to dispose of it properly. The court imposes and suspended a judgment of more than $58 million and placed a court-appointed receiver has to take over of all of the assets of the Standard Industries companies and many of Epstein’s assets, altogether valued at more than $5 million. The Commission intends to return funds paid by Cox, and assets held by the Standard Industries receiver, to victims of the fraudulent enterprises.

Official documents regarding the case can be found here.

Date of Action: 7/11/2017

Comments and Analysis

This company sells lightbulbs and janitorial supplies via their website at and by telemarketing.
Before you accept, or pay for, any merchandise that arrives under less-than-clear circumstances, protect yourself by insisting on proof that an order was placed. If no proof is provided, offer to return the merchandise at no cost to you. Give them a specific and reasonable amount of time (30 days, etc.) to pick up the merchandise. Tell the sellers that you reserve the right to keep the merchandise or dispose of it after the specified time has passed.

Under federal law, you are entitled to regard unordered merchandise sent through the U.S. mail as a free gift. The same law makes it illegal to mail bills for such unordered merchandise. You have no obligation to the sender. If you have not opened the package, you may mark it "Return to Sender," and the Postal Service will return it with no additional postage charged to you. If you open the package and don't like what you find, you may throw it away; or, if you like what you find, you may keep it for free. In this instance, "finders-keepers" applies unconditionally.

If unordered merchandise arrives by private delivery, do not accept the shipment. If you have already accepted the shipment, send the shipper a certified letter with return receipt requested, demanding proof of your order. If there is no valid proof, inform the sender that unless the merchandise is picked up within 30 days, you will dispose of it. By giving the sender an opportunity to recover the merchandise, you invalidate any claim that you accepted an offer of sale merely by keeping the shipment. If an invoice for the unordered merchandise arrives, withhold payment and do not use the merchandise. If the firm fails to respond to your letter, or if the sender threatens you with legal action, contact an attorney and your state attorney general's office.

Other Considerations

We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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Hansen Supply, LLC
Midway Management, LLC
B & E Industries, LLC
Johnson Distributors, LLC.
Midway Industries LLC

There are no additional web sites.


Brian Wallen (Principal)
Customer Service
Daryl White
