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Top Wood Shutters, Inc.

  167 inquiries |
Shutters Retailing

9142 La Rosa Drive
Temple City, CA 91780
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(888) 788-8977

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 6/22/2013

Do not use this compnany

I have been doing a major remodel on my house for about 1 year now and have had plumbers, electricians, dry wallers, painters, tile workers, etc., in my house. Amongst all of these numerous workers I have had in my home, the installers from Top Wood shutters are BY FAR THE WORST PEOPLE I have had to deal with. They were extremely rude, inconsiderate, messy, and worst of all, they argued with me and yelled at me with my with my wife, son, and father all in the house. During the installation, they were sanding some wood on my front porch. It was creating a lot of dust that was coming in through the front door. I asked them to please close the door when you are sanding. Of course, they did not close the door as they continued to sand. I asked them again to please close the door, and they yelled back at me, "I did!" Yet somehow, we were having this conversation through an open door. As they were installing the blinds in my master bedroom, I noticed a lot of cracks in some of the framing. I asked the installer why these brand new shutters had cracks in the paint. He merely said to me that it's not a problem and continued to install the shutters while brushing me off. The installers were very careless and clumsy. They constantly kept banging the shutter framing into my window casings (chipping the paint) and into the dry wall (chipping the dry wall. The worst part of it was that THEY MADE A MESS! There were pieces of styrofoam everywhere. There was touch up paint spilled on my new carpet. There was caulking everywhere. There was caulking on my rugs, caulking on my carpet, caulking on my new custom window bench, caulking on my hardwood floors, and caulking all over my drapes (see picture). Just awful, careless work that they take no pride in. When I asked them about all the mess that they made, they again brushed me off and quickly left. I was floored. I was left to myself to clean up their mess. Naturally, I called the office manger, Hank, the next day to express my concerns. He did apologize and said he would bring it up with the owner. I also spoke to the sales rep, Jacky, that I was working with. He was not very apologetic and said that he would speak to the owner also. I told them how upset I was and how disappointed I was in the entire Top Wood Shutters company. I told them how unhappy I was and asked them, "What are you going to do to fix this?" I got an email a couple of days later. For all my trouble and the hours I spent cleaning up the mess the installers made, they offered me a $30 credit towards the next time I get shutters with them.......REALLY? I just spent over $3000 on shutters on my house and you're offering me a less than 1% discount on a future job? Pathetic. I emailed them back that this is not acceptable and this offer is not representative of the trouble I had to go through. I haven't heard anything back from them since my reply. I called Jacky and emailed him again, and he still has not contacted me back (it has been over a week). I called Hank again, and again, he said Jacky would call me. They never called. Top Wood Shutters = poor customer service and horrible installers. I really regret choosing this pathetic company.

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0 complaints against Top Wood Shutters, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
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0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is providing the sales of 100% solid basswood shutters.

Primary Contact: Katie (Customer Service)
Business Started: 10/16/2004

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