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1241 Dyer Road, Suite 100
Santa Ana, CA 92705
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(808) 672-2655

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Posted on 7/10/2015

Unprofesional membership and business communication practices at Aliso Viejo, CA gym

I am currently a UFC member at the Aliso Viejo gym and last August of 2014 I moved to northern California. I was going to cancel and someone by the name of Ryan said that in order to keep my business we can give you the elite membership. So I agreed to it. This upgraded membership allowed me to use the gyms that were currently near where I live; San Jose, CA and San Bruno, CA locations. A few weeks ago I scanned by card like usual and this time an alert was sent to the receptionist that I wasn't allowed to attend this gym. I told the employee at the San Jose location that I've been an Elite member since around August 2014. He then responded by saying that someone must have downgraded your membership without notification. I didn't understand why this happened. I was always scanning my card at various UFC gyms near where I live (San Bruno and San Jose) and it was always accepted until 2 weeks ago. So then I talked to Jesse Marquez over at Aliso Viejo and I explained my situation as explained above. He was very friendly and said I could either freeze my membership at Aliso Viejo until I return to Southern California or just cancel membership. I told him I'd think about it. I have nothing against Jesse as he was a very friendly person. Any normal person would have been real irritated right now but I'm a patient person and just wanted to talk to people to figure this all out. But my whole patience has just run it's course due to the following email from a person whose name I don't know but his email address is "". This this newportkiwi tennis guy makes a mistake by replying his thoughts about my situation. He was supposed to email Jesse about his thoughts about me but instead he makes a mistake and I get the following email: =============== On Thursday, July 9, 2015 10:27 AM, Tennis wrote: Hey Jesse If he wants to freeze for 12- let's cancel He's only paying 39- screw that guy Can come back at retail nxt time No freezes past 6 months anyway- right? Sent from my iPhone =============== Some guy with the email address of "" sends an email back to Jesse Marquez saying things like "screw this guy" which is in reference to me. This was super unprofessional. What can be done about this? I really liked that UFC gym and UFC gym in general and all the issues I've dealt with were bearable until the email copy and pasted above. I'll be doing all I can to find higher up managers and handle this. If anyone knows any higher up managers please let me know. If not that's okay. I will make it my mission to search out the proper people to talk to because apparently there are some unprofessional people at the gym that only are happy with making money off you. However, when things don't go right and the money is not made they can care less who are you are and say things like "screw this guy".

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Company Info

UFC Gym gives UFC enthusiasts and fitness seekers of all ages the opportunity to practice the training techniques of UFC athletes.

Primary Contact: Ryan Junk (Gym Manager)
Business Started: 7/21/2010

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