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WB English Bulldogs

  1,767 inquiries |
Pet Breeding Services

Dallas , TX
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(972) 345-5676


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Posted on 7/21/2022

Was sold a sick puppy!

I was hesitant on posting reviews on this breeder at this time just because my puppy is still VERY SICK. But I wanted to warn others and share my personal experience. My daughter and I drove to Dallas on Wednesday June 29th to pickup our beautiful puppy. We were both over the moon excited and instantly fell in love with her! But little did we know what was about to unfold, about 30 HOURS later our puppy almost died. She was so sick & she was fighting for her life. Friday morning she was at the vet, where she tested POSITIVE for PARVO! I immediately let the breeder know and they wanted me to return the puppy, and they refused to accept the fact that they sold me a sick puppy. My puppy was so sick, she was hospitalized until she was stable enough to come home to continue this LONG recovery. Unfortunately- ontop of the Parvo- she also has 2 different parasites that are so aggressive and destroying her intestines. For 6 days my puppy has been nothing but sick. Literal projectile diarrhea (at least 8-9 times a day) like around the clock, not wanting to eat or drink, tired, vomiting. Her tiny body is so tired from fighting this. She's on special RX food, as well as 4 different medications. I do not know what type of conditions these puppies were living in because he met me in a parking lot when I went to pick her up, and the videos they sent to me were always taken outside in their driveway. No official paper work was given, and if you want paperwork be ready to pay them $500 ontop of the $2,800 puppy price. These puppies get adopted without a vet ever even seeing them, the vaccines are done in the breeders home by the breeder themselves. I just wanted to put out this warning because I highly doubt any of the new-adopted litter mates families have been notified about this because he refused to admit that he sold me a sick puppy only because she wasn't showing symptoms, he's also assuming no other litter mate puppies are sick, just mine! Its impossible for just 1 puppy to be Parvo + out of her entire litter! This has been financially costly, as well as emotionally exhausting. Please do your homework before considering purchasing from this breeder! UPDATE:: I wanted to give a update on my review: It is now 21 DAYS!! of my puppy being sick. Have not heard from the breeder in weeks to check in with this situation! Any reputable breeder who actually cares would never go MIA like how this breeder has. He knows that he sold me a sick puppy, why else would he have my reveiws removed? Now I know why there aren't many reviews about people being sold sick puppies. It all makes sense now after I seen my Yelp review is gone, as well as the other ones!?

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Company Info

WB English Bulldogs has been the premier Dallas Texas-based English bulldog breeder offering high quality English bulldog puppies for sale since 1998.

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Business Started: 3/25/2009

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