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Integrity Repipe Inc.

  370 inquiries |
Plumbing Contractors

27281 Las Ramblas Suite 200
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
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(877) 473-7473

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based on 2 reviews.

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 2/27/2022

No covering of any kind when spraying drywall, left huge mess. Owner, Joe, is unprofessional and hard to deal with.

1) Drywall crew (2 guys) showed up. Integrity says they don't use subcontractors. Worker told me he did not work for Integrity. 2) Drywall/texture was left undone. Joe was hard to reach and would not take responsibility for unfinished work. After much communication and a small amount of yelling on both sides, Joe finally admitted 1st crew did bad job and he sent out 2nd crew. Job still not done. After 3rd drywall crew came out, drywall job was done. 3) Cabinets, fixtures, floors, etc were sprayed with drywall. House was left a mess. No paper/plastic covering was used anywhere. Drywall mud was left caked on new chrome piping, fixtures, showers, floors, etc. Newly painted cabinets were partially sprayed with drywall. Joe was not willing to pay for cabinet cleaning/damage. Joe said his drywall did NOT cause damage to cabinets. Again after much communication and small amount of shouting on both sides, Joe finally took responsibility for mess/damages. Joe, owner, asked me to hire 3 crews. 1ST CREW TO CLEAN TILE/GROUT. After tile was cleaned, and the worker was waiting for payment, I called Joe and asked him to pay. Joe HUNG UP on me. I paid the bill for his mess. 2ND CREW TO CLEAN DRYWALL OFF WALLS, FIXTURES, SHUTTERS, ETC. I paid for supplies and crew to do cleaning. I asked Joe for reimbursement for cleaning, he said I owe him $1,000. I spent around $2,000 on cleaning up his mess. I agree I owe $1,000 when job is complete. Contract reads $1,000 due when drywall complete. Contract also reads, when final payment is made, I waive all rights to damages. So, do I pay the $1,000 when drywall is complete or when the job is complete including deficiencies? 3RD CREW TO CLEAN/FIX CABINETS. I was not going to be out more money and finally on 2/25/2022 Joe paid for cabinet cleaning. Sometimes there are problems on jobs: HOWEVER: A COMPANY WITH INTEGRITY would admit mistakes, take responsibility, pay and take care of all deficiencies they caused. They would not expect me to pay and be out money to clean up their mess. A COMPANY WITH INTEGRITY would not think I should make final payment until all work, including all cleaning and damages are taken care of. I would NOT hire them again and I would not recommend them to anyone. We are 68 years old and this is NOT what we expected from this company. 4) ONE MORE WARNING -I had 2 construction fans at my house. One went missing during the job. The worker did return the fan after I tracked him down and insisted he return it. Update: Job should have been completed on 1/31/2022. Delay after delay, excuse after excuse, I am finally done dealing with Joe. On 2/25/2022 Joe reimbursed me for some of the cleaning that I had paid; he kept $1,000 that would have been my final payment. If you want to see pictures of how Integrity left my house; look up Integrity Repipe reviews.

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0 complaints against Integrity Repipe Inc. closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

Integrity Repipe is a family owned and operated legacy company. We provide total abandonment of your existing potable system. No hidden extras. Just the finest, most complete & professional job in the industry.

Primary Contact: Joe Ludlow (Owner)
Business Started: 4/24/2010

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California State Contractors License Board

Verified License

License Number: 993925
Status: Active

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We have no further comment about this company's business practices or analysis of its offer that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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Bryan Funk (General Manager)
