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Legal Advice for Members

As a small business owner, you face many situations where legal questions arise. You can't always afford to have an in-house attorney on staff to advise you when these questions come up. Fortunately, Business Consumer Alliance (BCA) is your solution.

Free or discounted legal advice for small businesses is one of the many benefits you'll enjoy as a BCA member. We'll connect you with a legal professional to answer all your questions, from hiring to contracts to entity formation.

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Problems That Legal Advice Can Solve for Your Business

The legal issues small business owners face are unique and varied. Common challenges we've seen our members encounter include:

  • Choosing the wrong business type: An incorrectly structured business could expose personal assets or stress working relationships.
  • Employment issues: Challenges can arise from employment practices like hiring and firing, work environments, pay structure, employment contracts, and more.
  • Documentation challenges: Issues may include poorly written contracts or regulatory compliance record keeping.
  • Debt collection issues: It happens — sometimes customers don't pay, and you'll need to pursue legal action when your collection efforts haven't been successful.
  • Dissatisfied customers: You work hard to make your customers happy and build a good reputation. Dissatisfied customers may file suits, leave negative reviews or attempt to discredit your business.

When these situations arise, our network of private attorneys is here to help.

Ways Our Members Currently Use This Service

Many BCA members take advantage of our small business legal services to get legal advice from professionals for various reasons, including:

  • Human resource matters.
  • Entity formation guidance, documentation, and filing.
  • Contract development and review.
  • Licensing.
  • Employee handbook formation.
  • Asset protection.
  • Insurance reviews.

Many of these services are no-cost while others carry a separate surcharge for filing and other fees. When you become a BCA member, you'll get our professional legal assistance for as little as $1 a day.

Overview of Our Business Membership Program

Access to free or affordable small business legal advice is the primary advantage of the BCA membership because of the incredible value we provide business owners. You'll save time and money on legal fees and resolutions while protecting your reputation and assets.

Other benefits of BCA membership include:


Paul Hernandez, Owner
Awesome Rain Gutters
I am unexpectedly delighted with BCA services. I am most impressed with the transparency, integrity, and the promises kept.

Join the BCA Family Today

Protect what you've worked so hard to build. For over 25 years, BCA has provided unrivaled assistance to business owners through our exclusive member services. Get affordable legal services for your small business, plus access to all the other BCA benefits above for as little as $1 a day. Deduct the annual membership fees on your tax return, too! Apply online now or contact a friendly BCA representative for more information.

Contact us for more information

If you prefer to speak with someone, call and one of our friendly staff members will be able to answer your questions.
