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Coalición Latinoamericana Internacional

  67 inquiries |
Immigration and Naturalization Consultants |   Business Alert

1605 West Olympic Blvd. #1005
Los Angeles, CA 90015
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(213) 375-7972

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0 complaints against Coalición Latinoamericana Internacional closed in last 3 years.
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Company Info

This company's business is Immigration and Naturalization Consultants

Primary Contact: Oswaldo Rafael Cabrera (Owner)
Business Started: N/A

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California law requires companies that assist clients with the process of immigration to the United States to be licensed and bonded. A consulting service can only provide non-legal services, such as; filling out forms; assistance with obtaining supporting documents; or providing translation services. Only an attorney can provide legal advice.

Immigration document preparers, commonly referred to as “immigration consultants” must be registered, and post a $50,000 bond with the California Secretary of State. To confirm an individual has met these requirements, consumers may contact the Secretary of State, by writing to the Secretary of State, Special Filings, P O Box 942877, Sacramento, CA 94277, by calling Special Filings at (916) 653-3984, or visit the website at

For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.

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Government Actions

Agency: California Attorney General (CA AG)

On December 12, 2016, Oswaldo Rafael Cabrera (Cabrera), the owner of  Coalicion Latinoamericana Internacional, was arrested and faces felony charges filed by the California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris for allegedly defrauding migrant clients.

Cabrera, who is not licensed as an attorney in California, was charged with 22 counts of grand theft, attempted grand theft, attempted perjury, and conspiracy to engage in the unlawful practice of law.  Charges were also filed against his wife, Maria Marcelina Rodas (Rodas).

Cabrera often posed as an attorney and provided legal consultations and services, charging up to $9,000.  He masqueraded as an immigration lawyer and expert with a proven record of helping immigrants on major media platforms in both mainstream and Spanish-language media and used his prominent profile to solicit customers who he then defrauded.

Cabrera repeatedly misled his victims about the status of their cases, misinformed them about their eligibility for immigration relief, and completed immigration forms improperly while continuing to collect victims' money.  He ignored or lied to victims in an attempt to avoid giving refunds, sometimes for thousands of dollars, while denying any wrongdoing.  In some instances, Cabrera's handling of immigration cases had irreparable consequences, leading to the deportation of victims' family members. He also provided immigration consulting services without having completed the necessary registration with the California Secretary of State, and he and Rodas conspired to violate the Immigration Consultants Act.

The press release describing the charges can be found here.

Date of Action: 12/12/2016

Agency: California Attorney General (CA AG)

On February 22, 2017, the California Attorney General Xavier Becerra Announced that Oswaldo Rafael Cabrera was sentenced to five years and two months in state prison after pleading guilty to felony charges involving grand theft, attempted perjury and conspiracy to violate the Immigration Consultants Act.  Cabrera's wife, Maria Marcelina Rodas, was sentenced to three years of felony probation for charges that she conspired to violate the Immigration Consultants Act. 

After filing the initial complaint, additional victims came forward, and on February 14, 2017, the Attorney General's Office filed an amended complaint alleging 36 felony counts and two sentence enhancements.

The press release relating to the sentence can be found here.

Date of Action: 2/22/2017

Comments and Analysis

An immigration consultant gives non-legal assistance or advice on immigration matters. The type of assistance may include: completing forms provided by state or federal agencies, translating a person's answers to questions in those forms, securing for a person supporting documents such as birth certificates, submitting completed forms, or making referrals to persons who could undertake legal representation for a person in an immigration matter.

Immigration consultants are required to provide with a written contract. The contract shall describe the services to be performed, contain a statement that they are not an attorney and may not perform legal services that an attorney performs, and list the documents to be prepared by the consultant including which agencies they will be filed with and the approximate processing times. The provisions of the contract must be in English and in the client’s native language. Contracts shall provide for the client to have the right to rescind the contract within 72 hours after signing the contract.

For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.

Other Considerations

Check out BCA's Consumer Alert blog, “Help for Consumers Harmed by Coalición Latinoamericana Internacional Immigration Scam”.

Victims of Cabrera are encouraged to file a complaint with Business Consumer Alliance and also contact the Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs at 323-881-7099.

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Coalicion Latinoamericana Internacional
International Latin American Coalition

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Maria Marcelina Rodas
