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Business Consumer Alliance Blog

Don’t Download Any Nintendo Switch Emulators

nintendo switch

Nintendo’s latest console, the Nintendo Switch, is in high demand. The unit, with a MSRP of just under $300, is sold out at most major retailers. Scammers are cashing in on the shortage by advertising Nintendo Switch emulators online to lure consumers in. There are thousands of YouTube videos and other online videos with instructions on how to download and play the newest Nintendo releases. However, consumers should be warned about these possibly fake emulators.

Scammers direct you to phony websites and offer the fake emulator if you fill out a survey, complete an offer, or simply hit the download button. While you’re waiting to play The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wind, the bogus emulator software is more than likely installing malware, unwanted applications, and viruses to your device. You’ll soon start seeing notices that your device is infected and directing you to pay to have the problem fixed.

In some cases, the schemers require you to fill out a survey or form that asks personal questions that you don’t want in the hands of a scammer. They ask for identification, financial information such as your credit card number, and a host of other information that can be used by identity thieves.

While you may find it hard to buy the popular gaming system without spending more cash, it simply is not worth it to try and obtain an emulator. There are many scams floating around, so always conduct your research before downloading content or installing applications on your computer or mobile device. Keep your security software updated and run scans to pick up malware and unknown applications.

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About Business Consumer Alliance Business Consumer Alliance (BCA) is a non-profit company that started in 1928. The broad purpose of BCA is to promote business self-regulation. BCA's mission is achieved by assisting consumers in resolving complaints with businesses and using that complaint information, along with other relevant information such as customer reviews, to forecast business reliability. With community support, BCA can identify trustworthy and ethical businesses and warn the public to avoid unscrupulous businesses whose purpose is to defraud the marketplace. BCA also helps businesses promote themselves by providing services and tools to protect their business and reach out to their customers. BCA obtains its funding from member businesses who support the mission and purpose of the organization and who agree to abide by high standards of ethical business practices.