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American Tax Relief

  278 inquiries |
Tax Negotiator |   Business Alert

8383 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 900
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
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(323) 782-1115

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

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Complaints and Resolutions

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complainants generally allege that the company did not provide the tax relief they promised or advertised. Some customers said that they were told they qualified for an offer in compromise or for a specific amount of tax relief but when either did not materialize the company rejected their requests for a refund. Others allege unauthorized charge or bank account debits are made once company representatives obtained their personal information. A few complainants attempted to retract complaints because of alleged threats by the company that if complaints were pursued they would not be eligible for refunds. ~~The company generally responds by claiming that the customer did not supply adequate or correct information and that the figures they provide to the IRS are dictated by their guidelines. To some complaints by explaining cases are evaluated on the individuals’ circumstances and settlement offers are made by requesting an offer and compromise penalty abatements or viable payment plans to pay taxes. In other cases the company blames the consumer for wanting them to assist them in evading taxes denying that they made representations about whether or not an Offer in Compromise or abatement is guaranteed and that the taxing authority will continue with levies or other or other collection methods until the tax debt is settled. Most often the company offers to continue with providing service but does not offer refunds as the customer requested. A few complainants are issued full or partial refunds.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against American Tax Relief closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

This company's business is providing tax settlement services.

Primary Contact: Alexander Seung Hahn (CEO)
Business Started: 4/16/1999

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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.

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Government Actions

Agency: Federal Trade Commission (FTC)Washington

On August 5, 2014, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced that they will be mailing refund checks totaling more than $16 million to 18,571 consumers who paid money to American Tax Relief, which bilked financially distressed consumers by falsely claiming it could reduce their tax debts. Under a settlement, the defendants turned over millions of dollars in assets the court had frozen, including bank accounts, jewelry, and a Ferrari. The relief defendants, who were the parents of one of the defendants, also turned over bank accounts, jewelry, a Beverly Hills residence, and a Los Angeles condominium.

Affected consumers will receive, on average, 16 percent of the amount they lost. Those who receive checks from the FTC’s refund administrator should cash them within 60 days of the mailing date. The FTC never requires consumers to pay money or to provide information before refund checks can be cashed. Those with questions should call the refund administrator, Gilardi & Co., LLC, at 1-877-430-3699, or visit for more general information.

Date of Action: 8/7/2014

Comments and Analysis

Typically these companies advertise that they can settle tax related obligations for less than the amount owed. Many represent that they have attorneys or certified public accountants on staff that will work on your behalf to resolve these issues. ~~In some cases the company will calculate what they believe will be the amount you save by utilizing their services. Generally the fee they charge will be based on the projected savings while others charge a flat rate of several thousand dollars. Our complaint experience on many of these firms indicates that they exaggerate or misrepresent their ability and expertise in effecting settlements and often promise much more than they can deliver. They generally attribute their inability to obtain settlements on the fact that the customer provided inaccurate or incomplete information. None of the firms guarantee that anyone will be able to obtain a settlement of their tax debt. ~~We urge caution. Many taxpayers have been left with the original tax debt along with additional interest and penalties. ~If you have tax debt with the IRS we suggest you first seek the advice of an IRS enrolled agent CPA or a tax attorney. You may also consult with the IRS to determine if you would qualify to file for an offer in compromise or some other type of payment arrangement. To learn about the IRS’s rules for an offer in compromise visit

Other Considerations

Mail sent to this company was returned by the post office as "moved; left no forward address," "forward order has expired," or "unable to locate." We cannot trace addresses of companies or principals. General information is available upon request which may assist you.

There is an Alert on this company due to a serious Government Action filed by the Federal Trade Commission. Please refer to the Government Action section of the report for additional information.

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American Tax Resolution
Tax Group Inc.



Il Kon Park
Young Soon Park
Alex Hahn (Supervisor)
Bill Young (Manager)
Joo Park (Owner)
