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Andrea Loveless Attorney at Law

  406 inquiries |

1 Spectrum Pointe, Suite #300
Lake Forest, CA 92630
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(949) 679-4690


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Complaints and Resolutions

Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Of the complaints we have received against this company in at least some cases the complaint allegations are very serious.~Complainants allege they paid large advance fees for loan modification services however despite the money back garuntee their loans were not modified as agreed. In some cases complainants report their lenders claimed the company had not contacted them. In other cases clients reported they had been waiting as long as two years for the modification with no results. Other allegations include; difficulty reaching the company to inquire on the status of the case and problems obtaining refunds.~~The company responds to complaints by denying allegations that they have not perfomed; claiming modifications were obtained but the customer failed to follow through; by agreeing to continue pursuing the loan modification or issuing partial refunds. Some customers claim that refunds received were much less than what was actually paid and the company advised them that due to cash flow problems they would have to agree to wait for the remaining amount due. One or more complaints are unresolved meaning the company failed to properly address the complaint allegations or their response was inadequate.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Andrea Loveless Attorney at Law closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

This company's business is a law firm.

Primary Contact: Andrea Loveless (Attorney)
Business Started: 6/28/2004

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California State Bar

Verified License

License Number: 231735
Status: Active

To practice law in the State of Calfiornia, attorneys are required to be admitted and active with the State Bar of California.. For the most up-to-date information on licensing status, contact the State Bar of California at (415) 538-2000, or visit their website at:

For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

On October 11 2010 Governor Schwarzenegger signed Senate Bill 94 into law. The law prohibits (until January 1 2013) any person including attorneys and real estate brokers who negotiate arrange or offer to perform residential mortgage loan modifications or other forms of mortgage loan forbearance for a fee from demanding or receiving any up-front fee that requires any security as collateral for final compensation or taking a power of attorney from a borrower. The law also requires any person who negotiates arranges or offers to perform residential mortgage loan modifications or other forms of mortgage loan forbearance for a fee or other compensation paid by a borrower to provide a statement in 14-point font disclosing all loan modification fees. ~~In California it is illegal to collect any fees regardless of the form for negotiating or attempting to negotiate a loan modification for a residential mortgage. All modification services must be fully completed before any money can be collected. It is also illegal to divide fees or services into components for the purpose of avoiding this law. HUD approved housing counseling agencies are exempt from this law.~

Other Considerations

We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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Law Offices of Andrea Loveless, LLP
Law Office of Andrea Loveless, LLP


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