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502 North Main Street
Findlay, OH 45840
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(419) 790-3106

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Showing 1 recent review for Ohio Property Group

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Posted on 10/15/2021

This business cannot do anything to fix this short of buying our house for the stated price they recommended we list at.

This company does not understand their fiduciary duty to their customer. I have so many complaints about how they handle their business it would take hours to relay them to you. There is no remedy or settlement that can resolve our grievances as nothing will make up for the loss of time and potential home buyers we have missed out on. The final complaint to this poor choice on our part is when questioning why their sign in our yard was more of an advertisement for their own business, than a means for potential buyers to learn more about our property resulted in their immediate cancellation of our account and pulling us off the MLS without our mutual consent or awareness. This was so appalling and nothing short of a punitive action towards us which has caused us to possibly lose out on the active seller's market that was just beginning to wind down. They promptly refunded our full $999.00 as well, likely to try to avoid the fallout that would have ensued with our complaint of false advertising on their part. This complaint is being brought to your attention to warn others who are considering hiring this business to save money listing their home for sale. It's not worth it!! Selling your home is too important to leave in the hands of a business who acts irresponsibly and certainly does not respect their own contract with their customer. Cancelling a seller from the MLS without their consent is illegal and unethical.