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Reliant Life Shares, LLC

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15260 Ventura Blvd Suite 1420
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
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(818) 788-1904


Monday to Friday - 8:00AM to 5:00PM.

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based on 5 reviews.

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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

12 complaints closed in last 3 years.

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Membership Information

This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 1/24/2023

One HUGE scam run by people who lack an ounce of integrity

I did business with this company years ago and am starting to accept that I was scammed. Not only have I not received a penny back, but I keep getting invoiced "or else". Basically, pay up or lose your entire investment. The lack of professionalism when you speak with them and the errors they make on a regular basis makes it more and more likely that the company is a complete scam. Look elsewhere.

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Complaints and Resolutions

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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complainants allege they were misinformed about the policies and how they mature or are paid out. Based on the misrepresentations made by the sales representatives and brokers, customers requested to get their money back. Additionally, they are unable to reach the company. The company will not return phone calls or make contact.

The company responded to a few complaints by explaining they use three different estimates from independent labs to provide actuarial life expectancy estimates; referred to the facts that are provided as well as disclosures to the investor prior to purchase; offer projection sheets to show the potential returns by year, explained that some policies mature earlier than others, or offered further education regarding how the process works. Most of the responses indicate in part that Reliant works with thousands of investors through investor agents and financial advisors. Each investor, in Disclosure Statements, Expectancy Reports, Premium and Rate of Return Forecasts, and Purchase Agreements, approves and acknowledges in writing the characteristics of the investment including rates of return, future premium obligations, and life expectancies, among other subjects. Reliant is committed to work with investors and communicate as effectively as possible directly and via the trustee and policy service provider partners.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

12 complaints against Reliant Life Shares, LLC closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
1 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
4 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
7 Unanswered

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Other Information

Company Info

We provide investing in fractional life settlements services. We are introducing a brand new class of investments never before available to individuals that can maximize profit without the risks of the stock market.

Primary Contact: Scott Grady (President)
Business Started: 1/18/2011

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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.

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Government Actions


On July 19, 2023 Reliant Life Shares LLC (RLS) entered into a settlement agreement with the Department of Financial Protection & Innovation (DFPI). In December 2022, the DFPI issued a Desist and Refrain Order against RLS after finding the company used misleading tactics to sell securities in CA, in violation of the law.

Without admitting or denying allegations RLS agrees to:

  • provide potential investors with actual performance reports for Respondent’s entire matured portfolio prior to accepting any investments;
  • obtain an acknowledgment that this additional disclosure, or context document, has been discussed and understood by the potential investor;
  • provide additional training and training materials for all of its agents on risks associated with investments in fractional life settlements and estimated life expectancy;

  • meet with the specific agents identified by DFPI that are still with Respondent to address the identified statements and other representations regarding performance of life settlement interests, and to engage in an ongoing monitoring process;

  • no longer use the “bell curve” image and statements found in its marketing materials that represent a generic distribution of life expectancy, and if RLS uses a “bell curve” illustration it will reflect their actual past performance.

For full details of the settlement visit the DFPI website where you can also access the Desist and Refrain Order information.

The Commission alleges RLS and its agents made untrue statements and omitted material facts to potential investors, including but not limited to the following:

a. That the risk of a premium call was close to zero or just about nil, that 97% of policies pay out on time, that policy payout periods would range anywhere from a few months to a maximum of five years and that very seldom did Reliant have someone living past the 5-year mark, and that the company was almost always right on life expectancy. These statements misrepresented, or omitted material facts, about RLS’s actual performance.

b. Stating in RLS’s sales materials that “The history of actual maturities for life settlement policies shows that, like a bell curve, approximately half of all policies mature before the estimated life expectancy date, and half after.” This statement implied to investors that Reliant had the same performance when it did not.

RLS was ordered to desist and refrain from offering or selling any security in California, including but not limited to fractionized investments in life settlement contracts, by means of any written or oral communication which includes an untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

The Order is available on the DFPI website.

Date of Action: 10/19/2023

Comments and Analysis

We have no further comment about this company's business practices or analysis of its offer that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

Other Considerations

Our files show disconnected phone numbers, returned mail or both. The company appears to be out of business. We cannot trace addresses of companies or principals. General information is available upon request which may assist you.

Reliant Life Shares, LLC is in receivership. The case is in the Superior Court of California in Los Angeles County, Case #BC604858. All investors should register with the Receiver at Investors can also call 470-703-4600 to leave a message for the Receiver.

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Alma Ramirez (Office Manager)
Heather Gunter (Operations Manager)
Christopher Conway (As Receiver for Reliant Life Shares, LLC)
Jessica Jimenez (Operations Assistant)
Nina Estrella (Controller)