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Superior Powersports

  601 inquiries |
New Motorcycle and Motor Scooter Dealers

17435 Gale Avenue Unit A
City of Industry, CA 91748
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(888) 358-2887


8:30 AM-6:00 PM PST.

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based on 1 review.

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 5/9/2014

Trunk fell off of scooter the second time I rode it.

****BUYER BEWARE**** SAFETY HAZARD***********BUYER BEWARE****I write this as a concerned US military officer for the safety of any Soldier or civilian who may purchase anything from Superior Powersports. I bought a scooter online from Superior Powersports back in DEC 2013. I went to the store in the City of Industry, California to pick it up. Fortunately, I test drove the scooter and found an abnormal clicking sound in the engine. The "mechanic" told me he did not know what the sound was so I went inside to get a refund. The sales manager, Sarah, talked me into taking another scooter in the showroom. I test drove that one as well. The trunk made a weird rattling sound, but the "mechanic" told me it was fine. I took the scooter home. The second time I rode the scooter, the trunk ripped off the scooter and fell on the road. Fortunately, there was no vehicle behind me and nothing in the trunk. When I picked up the trunk off the road and looked at it, there were two screw holes that looked broken, but the other holes were intact. Out of the eight screws that were supposed to hold the trunk on its frame only two were screwed in. I called Superior Powersports to address this safety issue that their "mechanic" did not properly install the trunk (I even paid the extra money to have the scooter pre-assembled before I picked it up). I sent Superior Powersports the pictures they requested of the trunk, but got no response. I talked to Brenda in the parts department, she told me she would call me back but did not. I then talked to Sarah, sales manager, who sold me the scooter. She has promised to call me back on at least three different occasions but has not. For 5 months, I have been waiting for return phone calls and a resolution about the trunk. It's just a professional courtesy to for a business to do what they say they are going to do. This is lacking with this company. I saw the "F" grade it received from the BBB complaints as well as the other blogs. I should have looked carefully before I purchased from this company. I strongly recommend you find another company to do business with.

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Complaints and Resolutions

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complainants allege products are defective or malfunction shortly after delivery difficulty obtaining technical support and getting units repaired replaced or returned and dissatisfaction with lack of customer service. In some cases products are damaged in transit and complainants allege difficulty obtaining replacements. Other complainants allege refund issues or problems cancelling orders. ~~Company generally responds to complaints by arranging for product to be returned for repair or replacement sending replacement parts offering to review pictures of damages to determine how to address customer issues In other cases company issues refunds cancels orders and makes repairs.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Superior Powersports closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

Superior Powersports strives to provide their customers with top quality products, competitive prices, and outstanding customer service. Our goal is to make your shopping visit at our business an enjoyable experience.

Primary Contact: Dave Kent (Customer Service)
Business Started: 2/1/2008

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Stellar Powersports & Plug-In Tech.
Frog Power Teck, Inc.
Superior Power Sports

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Josh L. (Customer Service Representative)
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