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8 Ways Businesses Can Remain Productive During Slow Times

business downtime

When business slows down and your client base is not as active as usual, there are many ways to keep active and use the time to your advantage. We’ve comprised eight ways businesses can use a quiet period for their benefit.

Get Organized and Clean Out the Clutter

It’s a good time to get organized. The best way to start is to tidy up. Go through your file cabinets and get rid of things you no longer need. Do the same for items in your office. Then go through your computer files. Archive items and delete things you won’t utilize. Take time to clean out your email inbox, online messages, and voice messages. You’ll find that a cleaner work environment can make a huge difference in productivity and aid in organization.

Network Through Social Media

There is a saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Take time to talk to other successful business people and share ideas. Look for and attend networking events to build connections. Or, if possible, host an event yourself. Networking can be as simple as building your online presence and following the right contacts on social media. Do you have a LinkedIn profile? If not, you may want to take time to create one to connect with others and showcase your business.

Review Your Online Presence

Speaking of social media, if your business does not have a social media presence, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great avenues to market your business and interact with potential and current customers. Make sure your social media pages have current information and a way for consumers to reach you. Upload recent photos of your work or post highlights about your business and successes you’ve had during the year. Make sure you get back to users if they’ve left feedback. If someone has left a complaint or negative review of your company, be proactive and address these issues promptly. 10 Tips for Handling Complaints on Social Mediahas great ideas for addressing negative feedback.

Refresh Your Website

When is the last time you looked at and updated your company website? Dedicating time to go through your website is a good idea. Are there broken links? Is the information current? Is your contact page working? How up-to-date is your “About Us” section? Are you getting the best SEO results? All of these things are important to your business since oftentimes your website may be the first interaction your customer has with you. And let’s be clear, first impressions matter a great deal. Make sure you have your Business Consumer Alliance dynamic seal on your website to show off your company rating and give the public easy access to review your company’s reputation. If you don’t have a website, check out “4 Easy Steps to Create a Small Business Website,” for helpful tips.

Connect With Former Customers

Repeat business is often the way a business thrives. Reach out to previous customers to check on work you’ve done, to offer specials, and to strengthen your client relationships. Satisfied clients can refer your business to others. Word of mouth advertising is a great way to market your company. Offer an incentive if they refer a friend. You can also use BCA to reach out to your customers. We offer a unique specialized program for customer feedback. Just contact us to find out more.

Work On Your Business and Marketing Plan

When business is slow, take time to go over the highs and lows you’ve experienced for the year. Brainstorm to figure out useful ways to refocus and set your business up for victory. Perhaps taking a course or training to enhance your services is the key. Or working on improving your company’s sales pitch may be necessary. Consider rebranding and tweak things as you go. Look over finances and make adjustments where needed. Planning and making necessary modifications are key elements to a successful business.

Connect With Your Team

Building a strong base and having a supportive team can mean a great deal in advancing your business. Sit down and communicate with your staff. Ask them for suggestions on how your company can improve. And commend them for their support and dedication; perhaps even expressing your appreciation in a tangible way. If there are areas that need improvement, take time to retrain and go over your expectations for the company.

Take Time for Yourself

Take some time to reflect and regroup if needed. Sometimes a little time away is refreshing and opens your eyes to new ways to improve.

Having some down time does not have to be a bad thing. Use it productively to advance your business.

About Business Consumer Alliance Business Consumer Alliance (BCA) is a non-profit company that started in 1928. The broad purpose of BCA is to promote business self-regulation. BCA's mission is achieved by assisting consumers in resolving complaints with businesses and using that complaint information, along with other relevant information such as customer reviews, to forecast business reliability. With community support, BCA can identify trustworthy and ethical businesses and warn the public to avoid unscrupulous businesses whose purpose is to defraud the marketplace. BCA also helps businesses promote themselves by providing services and tools to protect their business and reach out to their customers. BCA obtains its funding from member businesses who support the mission and purpose of the organization and who agree to abide by high standards of ethical business practices.