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Business Consumer Alliance Blog

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5 Tips to Organize the Operations of Your Contractor Business
5 Tips to Organize the Operations of Your Contractor Business Posted: 9/4/2024

Do you want to stay organized as a contractor? From effective scheduling practices to tech solutions, see the top tips to streamline business operations!.... Read more

Tags: business tips, contractors, small business
Debt Collection vs. Invoice Factoring: What Is the Difference?
Debt Collection vs. Invoice Factoring: What Is the Difference? Posted: 9/2/2024

When your business seeks financing and you're not sure which to choose, you may ask, what's the difference between debt collection vs. invoice factoring?.... Read more

Tags: small business, debt collection, business tips, invoice not paid
8 Benefits of Arbitration for Construction Disputes
8 Benefits of Arbitration for Construction Disputes Posted: 8/5/2024

Is arbitration an effective course of action for your construction dispute? Learn about the benefits of arbitration for contractors in this guide..... Read more

Tags: arbitration, arbitration services, arbitration clause, contractors, business tips
Basics of Legal Advice for Small Business Owners
Basics of Legal Advice for Small Business Owners Posted: 8/2/2024

Learn the basics of law advice for small business owners. Contact Business Consumer Alliance now to speak to a trusted and trained legal professional!.... Read more

Tags: business tips, legal advice, small business
5 Ways to Improve Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses
5 Ways to Improve Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses Posted: 7/8/2024

Outsourcing your marketing and advertising saves time and money. Learn the benefits of a comprehensive marketing strategy for your small business with BCA..... Read more

Tags: small business, business tips, marketing
Arbitration vs. Litigation for Contractors
Arbitration vs. Litigation for Contractors Posted: 7/2/2024

When it comes to arbitration vs. litigation for contractors, what are the costs involved, when do you need them and which renders the best results?.... Read more

Tags: contractors, arbitration, arbitration services, business tips
7 Human Resource Audit Tips for Small Businesses in California
7 Human Resource Audit Tips for Small Businesses in California Posted: 6/25/2024

Are you wondering how to successfully conduct a human resources audit in California? Learn these valuable audit tips for more effective implementation today!.... Read more

Tags: human resources, business tips, small business
6 Common Challenges Small Businesses Face
6 Common Challenges Small Businesses Face Posted: 6/21/2024

As a small business, you can expect common problems. Thankfully, you can overcome these challenges with the right solutions. Contact us to learn more..... Read more

Tags: small business, business tips
6 Benefits of a Contract to Protect Your Business
6 Benefits of a Contract to Protect Your Business Posted: 6/19/2024

A valid contract can benefit your small business and offer legal protection. Read on to discover more benefits of having a valid business contract!.... Read more

Tags: business tips, contracts, CSLB, contractors
Federal Trade Commission Bans Noncompete Clauses to Help Employees Seek Better Job Options
Federal Trade Commission Bans Noncompete Clauses to Help Employees Seek Better Job Options Posted: 5/30/2024

FTC bans noncompete clauses in employment agreements..... Read more

Tags: FTC, employee rights