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How to Get Real Customer Reviews on Your Site

How to get real customer reviews

How to Get Real Customer Reviews on Your Site

In today's online-first marketplace, your digital presence means everything. Whether you have a brick-and-mortar store or an e-commerce shop, your online presence is essential to gaining competitive advantages, satisfying customer needs and expanding your business. Authentic, honest reviews are vital to your success, showing customers they can trust you to deliver the products and services they need.

Why Are Customer Reviews So Important?

Customer reviews are one of the best ways to generate sales and create a positive brand image. Customers are more likely to trust and buy from businesses that possess a wealth of reviews because they're able to see the products or services in action. Social proof offers assurance and context, helping customers feel like they're getting a product or service they really want and need.

How Can Reviews Impact Your Business?

Reviews can influence consumer buying decisions for better or worse, persuading them to convert or stay away from your business. As you generate more customer testimonials for your business, you can:

  • Establish expertise: Customer reviews provide authentic, honest insight that builds credibility and encourages potential customers to trust you.
  • Support a positive brand image: Reviews can demonstrate your reliability and help prove you provide what you say you will.
  • Demonstrate commitment to customer satisfaction: Responses to positive and even negative reviews are opportunities to showcase your dedication to meeting customer needs.

8 Ways to Get Real Customer Reviews for Your Business

To get customer reviews that are genuine, meaningful and valuable for your business, try out these eight methods to see what works best for your organization.

1. Give Customers a Reason to Write a Positive Review

Positive reviews stem from good customer experiences. When you want to get customer reviews for your business, create exceptional online and in-person experiences that give your customers a reason to write. Quality products, friendly support and services that exceed expectations can result in delighted customers who are more likely to leave reviews for your business.

2. Encourage Reviews on Business Communication

Sometimes, all you have to do to get more reviews is ask. Include requests for testimonials on all your in-store business communication, including:

  • Banners
  • Flyers
  • Brochures
  • Business cards
  • Window clings

You can also ask for reviews by incorporating links in your email signature, within your email campaigns or on your social media pages.

3. Emphasize Your Appreciation for Feedback

When you mention how much you appreciate feedback, you show customers you care about their opinions. Customers who feel noticed will be more satisfied and loyal to your brand, increasing the chances they'll leave a review. Happy customers want your business to succeed, so let them know how much of your success depends on their reviews so they can show support.

4. Offer Incentives for Future Purchases

Incentivizing reviews by offering discounts, exclusive deals, coupons or gifts can generate more feedback for your business. It's important that you provide incentives for all reviews, regardless of their content. Be careful to avoid buying positive reviews that may be unauthentic and do more harm than good for your business.

One way to offer incentives while promoting fairness is to run a contest or hold a drawing. When you select randomized winners, you can generate more reviews while ensuring their honesty. These methods can also make leaving a review more engaging and rewarding, encouraging even more participation.

5. Include Review Reminders Post-Purchase or Service

One of the best ways to get reviews is to ask for them while your product or service is still top of mind for your customers. You can collect a customer's email address after billing and send a message later on asking for a review. You will want to leave enough time between their purchase and your follow-up email for them to use your product or service so they can leave a meaningful review.

6. Personalize Requests for Reviews

The more personalized your outreach to customers, the more likely they will be to trust your business. When requesting reviews, be sure to ask the right questions at the right time based on where your customers are along the buyer's journey. When you time your request with a moment of customer happiness, you're more likely to receive a meaningful, honest and relevant review.

7. Respond to All Reviews

If you want to generate more reviews, start by responding to the ones you currently have. As you thoughtfully and quickly respond, you can show customers you care about their opinions and that it's worth their time to share feedback. Your genuine and grateful replies will encourage more customers to buy from you and leave reviews.

Prompt and polite responses also show customers you're dedicated to their satisfaction. Unfavorable reviews provide an opportunity to take accountability for your mistakes, resolve issues and turn negative interactions into positive ones.

8. Make It Easy to Leave a Review

The easier it is to leave a review, the more likely your customers will be to do it. Clearly lay out steps and expectations when you ask for reviews, such as:

  • How long it will take: Emphasizing how fast and easy it will be to leave a review will help customers feel like they have the time to do it. Using the right terminology will also make it sound more manageable, such as saying, "Leave a quick review!" or "Drop a few sentences about your experience."
  • Where to go: Make links visible and accessible on your website or social media pages so customers can easily click through and get to writing. Capitalize on moments of satisfaction by placing links or QR codes in follow-up emails or on business cards.
  • Why it matters: Show customers their direct impact on your success by explaining how your business has grown due to reviews. Demonstrate your appreciation by thanking them personally and sharing their testimonials on your website or social media pages.

The Importance of Leveraging Customer Reviews on Your Website

Leveraging the reviews on your website is critical to your business's success. They can help you stay updated on how your business is doing and what your customers expect from you, enabling you to make improvements that help you grow. As you gather more feedback and connect with your consumers, you can:

  • Expand your customer base
  • Build loyalty
  • Demonstrate accountability
  • Prioritize customer satisfaction
  • Drive more revenue

Get More Customer Reviews on Your Website With Help From Business Consumer Alliance

At Business Consumer Alliance, we understand the importance of customer reviews to your success. You can depend on us to support your business, helping you generate more online reviews that drive revenue. Learn more about our business membership program by contacting us today!

About Business Consumer Alliance Business Consumer Alliance (BCA) is a non-profit company that started in 1928. The broad purpose of BCA is to promote business self-regulation. BCA's mission is achieved by assisting consumers in resolving complaints with businesses and using that complaint information, along with other relevant information such as customer reviews, to forecast business reliability. With community support, BCA can identify trustworthy and ethical businesses and warn the public to avoid unscrupulous businesses whose purpose is to defraud the marketplace. BCA also helps businesses promote themselves by providing services and tools to protect their business and reach out to their customers. BCA obtains its funding from member businesses who support the mission and purpose of the organization and who agree to abide by high standards of ethical business practices.